Older is better in so many ways, and what great prospective it brings to our days...

Because when we're older, we worry less about things like our image, and our plans, our success....

And as we matBEIure, we know so much more about values and dreams that are worth living for....

We feel more contented and wise and secure. And we're still, in our hearts just as young as we were!!


came across this, awhile ago and wanted to share this with all of you. I liked the part about not worrying so much about our
image. ;)

That's what makes nudism, what's its all about. If we
could just get past all those hangups, that some people, put on us. Then
we would all shine through, with positive energy. I love this lifestyle
for what it stands for.. It stands for acceptance for who we are
completely. By the inside out.. Not by the clothing in which we wear.
Clothes can't make us a better person or what we own either. It doesn't
matter to me, what riches one has.. I look much deeper, when I meet
others.. That should apply to everyone else, but of course that is my
personal views. Not everyone elses, I know. But it certainly doesn't
hurt to look beyond the norm, and look deeper in ones heart and soul.
Amazing what you might find there. ;)

Have a Great Nude Day!!

I plan on it... Leah

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