New nudist north of Los Angeles
I just want to put up a post about how I came to be here.I am a happilly married man with two young kids. Before the kids, my wife and I would rarely wear clothing arund the house, but never ventured outdoors. We did get into swinging, and this was where I got much more comfortable being nude around others. Yes, it was a sexual avenue to start, but when we were not "playing" the group would stay nude and it was a relaxed social thing. Years have past, we do not swing much any more. One recent swinging outing to a friends home, we were invited to swm in their outdoor pool naked. I just loved the feeling of being outside, in the sun and breeze, and swinging nude is just a wonderful feeling. I hope to do this more, with them and others, without sex even being in the picture. I had no issues about being aroused with 3 cuples just hanign by the pool nude. Of course, this was adunlts only, and it was setup as a swinging event. Now thatour kids are in school, we are not as open about being nude at home, but they stillsee us nude from time to time, we do not get wierd about it, we walk from room to room bare quite often and make no big deal about it.We are clothed much more around the home now, but mainly to not make the kids ask too many questions or talk about it at school. My wife has mixed feelings, and she was the more nude of us before kids, but more carfeul around them now. I do not want to upset her, so I follow suit and I am much more discrete about nudity around our kids.I recently had the house all to myself for a few days, my wife took the kids on a trip while I had to work. When I got home, I decided to get naked for the comfort of it. I really like being nude. The weather was nice, I took a look around the yard, and realized, withthe bushes grownin, it is pretty secluded. Someone would have to want to look in, so I took a walk in the yard, and I did some cleaning up, for something to do, to not just be standing nude outside. I was a little nervous at first, not wanting people who do not want to see a nude man, accidentally getting an eye full. Over the few days, I was easilly nude outdoors for a couple hours total, I even laid out a beach towel and soaked up some sun while trying to even out my farmer tan. I was amazed at how nice it feels over a wide temp range. From low 60's up I was comfortable and no goose bumps or anything. It just feels right. I have told my wife all about what I did, and she is okay with me doing this when the kids are not around, but she does not want to join me. She has fair skin and is afraid she will burn in bad places. She actually sat naked inside on her computer, while I again did some yard clean up in the nude. So she has not lost all her enjoyment of being nude.I would love to meet a few other people, any age, sex, race, etc. That has access to an area where it is okay to just hang out in the nude, enjoy the feeling, and just talk with like minded people. The only sex thoughts I had while outside nude, was looking in at my wife that time, i love seeing her naked body, but it was a feeling of wanting to hug her and take her for a walk with me. Even then I did not have an erection. This is not abut sex for me. Gary
IMHO Swinging has no place in any nudist venue. What you do behind closed doors is your business just don't talk about it.I completely understand that this is NOT a sexual site, but I am an honest person and I wanted to explain what brought me to this point in my life. It is odd though that it did ask my sexual preference when I created my profile?? When I was younger, (before 30 I guess) I didalways associate being nude with something sexual, but when I realized that being nude just felt good, especially when I was not having any sexual thought at all, it clicked in my head that not only is the human body a beautiful thing, there is nothing dirty or wrong about it being visible, and it just feels right. I am very pleased with the people who have already reached out to talk with me here. I feel accepted for they way I feel, and I am really looking forward to meeting many of these people in the months to come. I will always enjoy sex, but being nude does not mean I am looking for sex. I do not think I ever would have become this comfortable being nude aruond a group of people if it was not for my previous swinging experiences. At the parties, I did notice quite a few people (most actually) that wouldcover up when they were not playing, but there was always the ones who would walk out on the balcony, or sit and chat, have a drink etc. wihtout a care they were bare. Without thinking about it, I was more of this mind set, andI found myself out on the patio drinking lemonade, and talking to others, etc. while nude, and I just loved it. I did not consider that my start into nudism though, because I did go there for sex, it was a different experience. When I started venturing out nude recently though, sex was not part of it at all. I was home alone. I was nude in the house and saw a bunch of papers that blew into the yard and made a maess. It seemed silly to put on clothes to go pick it up, just out on the patio. As I walked out, I saw more, further out, no longer under the cover of the awning. Before I knew it, I was walking all around out there. It was liberating when I realised what I had been missing. So there I was, nude in my back yard. I went in to pour a cold drink, went back out and satby my patio table in nothing but pool shoes, enjoying a warm breeze on my entire body. That was the first time I really wished I had a pool. I spent hours in my yard recently, cleaning up trash, minor yard work etc. all in the buff. just the other day, my wife sat in the kitchen, nude as well, watching me out the window. She told me, "I am happy for you that you are enjoying it". She is an indoor nudist only. Until my recent discovery, she used to be nude in the house much more than me. I love her dearly and I will never push her. She is just not comfortable going outside, but there is a part of me that hopes one day she will go to a nude pool party, or some other clothing optional get togetherwith me. Maybe she will go in a bathing suit. I am not here to SEE other people nude, I am here to be accepted for enjoying being nude myself.
Wow, it seems I am being well accepted here. I am not sure what I was expecting, but I have to say the people have all been so open and wonderful to chat with. I have accepted several friend requests and recieved a fewinvites to meet up in justthe few days I have been on this site. I am very excited and maybe a bit ervous about my first true nudistmeeting.I have not set up one for sure yet as I do not know my work schedule too far out, but I hope to meet some of the wonderful people I have talked with on here very soon. I am debating going to the fully clothed meeting at a restaurant to meet and talk with local nudists in a no stress environment.I have also been messaging up and back with someone about taking a mountain hike. I can't wait for that either. I am not nervous about being nude with other people, but I am a little nervous about being caught out on the trail by non nudists. I just don't want to offend people that are not expecting a nude man out there. I guess I can ask on the "what to do nude" forum. In the mean time, I really look forward to meeting some of the great people I have talked with on here. It makes me feel so much better that I am among like minded poeple.
I have been calling myself a nudist for almost a month now. Besides my back yard, I stopped in and soaked in the nude area of El Dorado Hot Springs outside of Phoenix, AZ. I dropped in at Gaviota Beach, but it was just too cold and noone was there. And today I stopped in at More Mesa Beach and sat on the rocks nude watching the waves for a while before Ihad to go back to work. I was surprized noone was there today, the weather was so nice. I would guess an air temp of 70F or so with a light breeze off the water and warm sunshine. I was 95% sure I was inthe correct nude area there. They really should post a cpl signs. The directions said turn right off of the path and go 100 feet up the beach, I wenta bit further and it was very isolated. If you were not on that beach, you would need a telescope to see anyone there. The water still felt pretty cold, I didn't go in. Maybe later in the season it will be a little warmer. Next weekend is my first nude pool party, I can't wait.
We just want to warn anyone else considering going nude on either More Mesa, or Gaviota Beach that there has recently been a increased presence of local deputies and rangers at both beaches harrasing nudists. On April 7th, at More Mesa, deputies did not hand out any tickets, but made all those who were there get dressed. On February 10, deputies did give out citations to seven people on More Mesa beach. Last September, citations were handed out at Gaviota.
Honestly, we really are not trying to discourage anyone from going to these beaches, and having a great nude day, because if you don't use it, you lose it, and the authorities have won. On the other hand, if you're considering going down, you need to be aware of the situation, and be prepared.
If you are confronted, or given a citation by authorities remember the following:
1) Get the officer's names, badge numbers, and which law enforcement agency they are employed by.
Later write down a description of the event from start to finish including as much of the conversation as you can recall.
2) Comply with the officer's request, whether it's to get dressed, leave the area, or both. Remember that under the law theycan eject a person from the beach if that person violates any law orregulation, and technically, nudity is illegal on most county and state beaches.
3) Don't be intimidated by any threats of sex offender registration. Under California law, simple nudity is not a register-able offense. Lewd conduct is, but simple nudity is not lewd under thelaw regardless of what an officer may try to intimidate you with during your conversation.
4) If you're a part of a group of people in a beach sweep, try to exchange names, emails, and phone numbers with each other before leaving the area. This could aid in your defense later.
5) Contact one, or all, of the following asap:
Gary Mussell of the SCNA: e-mail at (818) 225-2273
Alan Baylis of NAC/Friends of San Onofre: e-mail at (714) 962-0915
Bob Morton of the Naturist Action Committee: e-mail at (512) 282-6621