A Friend Request - a request to friend.

Hi, starting this thread with a purpose. I get many friend requests and I accept. Sometimes I wonder - what purpose it serves? If pictures are restricted to friends - then a FR is a tool. Otherwise, we don't interact at all. Even it happens that we send a request and get a message that this person is already in your friend list.
So I am starting this thread and will request all requester to share some thing here.
This might help many of us to open up even if it is a simple one line statement.
I request all members to request your friends to share their views/thoughts/opinion here. It will only help us to evolve.

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RE: A Friend Request - a request to friend.

A good initiative my friend.....:)

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RE: A Friend Request - a request to friend.

good to see tat u made ur first posting. and u r still at textile category. as ur no of posting increases ur category evolves - from textile to bare foot...then top less..then undies only..then butt naked...then super nudist.
at least in virtual world try to reach that stage. :D

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RE: A Friend Request - a request to friend.

SUPER nudist??????? lol
Is that akin to a lifelong nudist or one that just wears a red cape and goes jogging in the buff?
Sorry, i'm in one of my qurky moods today.

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RE: A Friend Request - a request to friend.

yes definitely......
only problem is tht i lack company to come out into nature :(
and im busy wid my studies :P

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RE: A Friend Request - a request to friend.

That isn't totally true. There are other reasons. One is that You see what your friends are doing, so you can send a message (or at least take a look ) ifa frienddoes something interesting. Anyhow the truest of truenudists make their nude pics visable to everyone, not just friends.

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RE: A Friend Request - a request to friend.

I agree with ollygrumps that a true nudist shows his photos to all. If I was a resident of Europe, U.S.,former East block, etc. I would have shared them with the world but if one is from a conservative country where nudism is considered madness and punishable under law, we cannot reveal ourselves on public fora, except to the real nudists. There are enough perverts, lechers waiting to misuse photos and sex chat with members especially women even on this site!

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RE: A Friend Request - a request to friend.

I started my account with textile :P....soon to be supernudist vjayaraman

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RE: A Friend Request - a request to friend.

LOL. all the best VJR.
my main point is - friends should interact - even if it is something very general.

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