Enjoying more and more time sans clothes

Took a few days off from work to catch up on my chores. Boy am I ever woefully behind. Month after month of 85 to 90 hour work weeks will do that to a gardening enthusist such as myself. I am seeing good results with both my container garden and raised beds. My apple, plum, pear, and peach trees are bearing fruit in spite of a late frost that got some of the blossoms. I have high hopes for a strong pecan harvest this fall. I am in sight of several neighbors so I have tobe sensative to their feelings when it comes to running around in the yard free. I gotta say I have never enjoyed my efforts growing crops as much as I have this year. And that is due todoing it sans clothes.Up until a few years ago I spent as much time as poss naked and never gave it a second thought. Never even thought about nudism. I just did it. This year I realized I wasbecoming a different person. Shutting down. Growing cold. Man am I glad to be back in the world of the living.It's great to be back. I went to creekafter gardening yesterday an cooled offall natural. Will do again today.

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RE: Enjoying more and more time sans clothes

As the temps heat up in the Northern Hemisphere, you'll appreciate it more.

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