Quoting Quirk.
I just stumbled on how to avoid having your own comment included with the one that you are quoting, in this horrible new quote box.Might not work for other browsers, but it does work for IE8. You have probably noticed that you can't get the cursor to go below the quoted passage in the box, and you end up having to write your piece like this, as a continuation of the comment that you are quoting.
I have found, that if you just put a space directly after the comment quoted, you can then put the cursor down below the quote box, and continue to write your comment, outside of the box.And if you want to make the quoted passage a bit more visible and easier to read, you can put the letter b enclosed in square brackets before it, and /b enclosed in square brackets after it. It won't make it darker, but as you can see, it does show as heavier type, that is easier to read.
- 13 years ago
Thank you for sharing this info, Phil. I shall try it in a few hours, when I'm awake. ( I'm sleep typing at this moment )
- 13 years ago
Who is Quirk?
- 13 years ago
Who is quirk?
Captain Quirk of the Entry Prize.
- 13 years ago
Who is quirk?
Captain Quirk of the Entry Prize.
Yesterday, I read that they are working on Star Trek II- the last one was really good, I thought. Can't wait for the next one.If they were nudists, would it be called - Starkers Trekking ?
- 13 years ago
To show what no man has shown before
- 13 years ago
Wish I could, ...Make it So!
- 13 years ago
Resistance is futile.
- 13 years ago
Resistance is futile.
That's what my bank manager keeps saying to me.
- 13 years ago