Now, who have you seen?

Since our enjoyment of this practice has been clearly documented, I figure it is time to examine the other side of the issue and learn whether it is common.
Has anyone seen another person they believed to be driving topless or possibly nude? If so, what were the circumstance and where did it happen?
I once saw a cute, tan, brunette girl driving a minivan at an intersection and could clearly see her shoulders, upper arms and upper chest area as completely bare. As she had no straps of any sort and it was a warm, sunny day, it was easy for me to imagine she might have been completely topless or nude. Unfortunately I did not get a chance to make any further observations because we were headed in opposite directions.
I will check out the ExperienceProject website and report back my findings with the less Nudist crowd.

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RE: Now, who have you seen?

There is a "I Love Driving Nude" experience group and it has 50 stories at the present time.

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RE: Now, who have you seen?

I was once staying in a nudist campsite in the south of England. A small van arrived, drew up to the clubhouse, apparently to make a delivery. The driver was naked when he got out. He carried something into the clubhouse, came out again a few minutes later, got into his van and drove away, still naked. Obviously the campsite was private and nude friendly, but outside were some of the busiest roads and most heavily populated areas in the UK. He may have been a member of the club, but I thought he was very brave!

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RE: Now, who have you seen?

Excellent reply Motorman! Thanks for the account!This is the type of reply I think helps illustrate when and where people are Driving Naked!~

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RE: Now, who have you seen?

I have never seen anyone else naked while driving OR naked by the side of the road, but I do not think I would be surprised to see it. I did drive with four guys from a campsite in the Coconino National Forest down to Sedona, Arizona to refuel before returning to the campsite. We were all nude the entire way and nobody thought different of it, but of course we were naturists together for a weekend outing! We did not slip on shorts until arriving in Sedona at the gas station.

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RE:Now, who have you seen?

I have seen many potential nude drivers (i.e., guys with no shirts on), but no one confirmed to be fully nude.

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RE:Now, who have you seen?

Years ago, I was driving a truck from Vermont to CT when I noticed a car staying next to me. Didn't give it much thought until I noticed the driver had no pants on and he was pleasuring himself. He stayed next to me for almost an hour stroking his cock. Never saw him finish

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RE:Now, who have you seen?

During the summer of 1980, I was driving from Detroit metro area to Northern Michigan after work on a Friday evening. It was dark when a vehicle was passing me on I-75. When I glanced over one or two people were mooning me. That wasnt driving nude, but sharing it anyway.

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