Russian bath

Has anyone been to the Russian bath? What is it like? All men? Do you need shorts/swimsuit?

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RE: Russian bath

Has anyone been to the Russian bath? What is it like? All men? Do you need shorts/swimsuit? KCWhich Russian bath are you referring to? Dillon's in Chelsea is all men, no clothing required.

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RE: Russian bath

Yeah, that's the one. Couldn't remember the name. I'll have to try it some afternoon

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RE: Russian bath

yes, a few times.. it's a great spot.

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RE: Russian bath

Yes its Dillons Russian Baths right under Rt 93, easy to get to. It is all nude but check thier web sight as they do have all female days too. Its a nice place, nice people.Its under Route 1, not 93.

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RE: Russian bath

I've never been here because people I ask tell me it's a cruising spot, can anyone tell me otherwise?

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RE: Russian bath

It can be, unfortunately. However, the employees watch for it and do not tolerate it. Luckily, the cruisers are discreet and won't follow you around if you give them a dirty look.

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RE: Russian bath

I would not classify it as a cruisy place. It can go on there, but I never find it a prevalent thing and it always feels more straight and non-cruisy than "cruisy". At least that's been my experience. The management also frowns on that activity. It is also a small plave with very little option for privacy so its not a convenient spot for that kind of thing. I went on a weeknight a couple of times and I have to say it did feel very cruisy to me...and I was surprised and found it very different from Saturday and Sunday mornings.

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RE: Russian bath

I've always wanted to go to Dillon's, but it's not exactly easy to get to via public transportation.

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RE: Russian bath

It's an easy walk from downtown Chelsea, not far from the courthouse. They added s small outdoor fenced in "patio". Not exactly the most picturesque surroundings, but nice to have a place outside.

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