Possible legal loophote to be naked anywhere in Oregon?

When I was reading about the world Naked Bike Ride, trying to find iformation about he route, I came across a comment that city officials are not too happy to have the event, but becuase it is a protest, under the Oregon constitution, nudity is an acceptable form of expression when protesting, which trumps any local ordinances.
So, theoretically, one could be naked anywhere in the state if one had a sign of protest of some kind. There have been a case where a nude cyclist argued taht he was protesting even though he dint' have a sign of any kind and was not a part of an organized protest and he won. See https://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2008/11/judge_throws_out_charges_again.html, so with an actual sign of some kind you would probably prevail if ticketed or arrested.
For further reading on court cases fo to
So, should local nudists pick a spot someplace like a park in the city for nude sunbathing and just be sure have have a protest sign of some kind with them? Or is there some other way to use what appears to be a legal loophole through local nudity ordinances in Oregon that you can think of, or should we not push it?
What are your thoughts?

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RE: Possible legal loophote to be naked anywhere in Oregon?

Hello fron Tigard. I for one would definately be in favor of having other spots within the Metro area to practice nudism. Why be restricted to a couple of beaches,or the hot springs? Most other nudists are forced to join the AANRR, and pay for the privledge of being allowed into a resort somewhere. I have nothing against that. I am a member and have been for many years now. However you have to travel to the resort which is sequestered somewhere out in the country away from everything. There are enough facilities and parks that should be available to reserve for nudist use. Put me on the list as in favor of expanding our locattions to be nude. I think if there were enough participation in a new venue the city, or any city, would have to allow it. That is unitl they worked to pass a new law against it. Just look at the nude bike thing. I think they look at that with a blind neye because there is nothing they can do about it because of the numbers. Just look at that occupy Portland thing. Do we have to become militant about nudism? Any thoughts? mr.six6@yahoo.com

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RE: Possible legal loophote to be naked anywhere in Oregon?

Hello fron Tigard. I for one would definately be in favor of having other spots within the Metro area to practice nudism. Why be restricted to a couple of beaches,or the hot springs? Most other nudists are forced to join the AANRR, and pay for the privledge of being allowed into a resort somewhere. I have nothing against that. I am a member and have been for many years now. However you have to travel to the resort which is sequestered somewhere out in the country away from everything. There are enough facilities and parks that should be available to reserve for nudist use. Put me on the list as in favor of expanding our locattions to be nude. I think if there were enough participation in a new venue the city, or any city, would have to allow it. That is unitl they worked to pass a new law against it. Just look at the nude bike thing. I think they look at that with a blind neye because there is nothing they can do about it because of the numbers. Just look at that occupy Portland thing. Do we have to become militant about nudism? Any thoughts? mr.six6@yahoo.com

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RE: Possible legal loophote to be naked anywhere in Oregon?

On further thought as protesting nude is a legal form of expression under the state constitution, technically the protest could be against the anti-nudity laws that force us to participate in a protest in order to be naked in the metro areas. It would be a kind of catch 22 for those who try to enforce such laws.
I would suggest however that people avoid obvious controversy. Such as do't' choose to be naked right next to a playground for children or else there will be a major backlash. Common sense should be practiced in this regard. It is common sense to choose an area in parks that are out of sight and away from areas for young children. Not that young children need to be protected from seeing naked people, but some of the parents might think differently. Also, the factor of children might lead judges to over rule previous rulings and close the current legal loop holes.

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