Why are Germans so good at being nudists?

I'm still somewhat new to living inEurope, but from my travels and holidays i have quickly noticed that theGermanculture seems to be one of the most accepting of nudity. Co-Ed change rooms, saunas, and beaches you find its the norm that people are nude.
Anyone have any insight into why that is and why it has not spread to other parts of the world?

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RE: Why are Germans so good at being nudists?

Yes if only the rest of the world could follow their example, what a wonderful difference it would make to our lifestyle.

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RE: Why are Germans so good at being nudists?

I agree, i feel like i could be much more open if nudism wasn't see as fringe culture like it is here in the UK or the States.

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RE: Why are Germans so good at being nudists?

Hey, we're not going to knock a good thing, of course!
It comes from being a more secular culture - though contrary to what many conservative religious folks in the US would have us believe, "secular" does not mean "less moral"!
But it certainly seems to mean a lot less "angst" about body, sexuality, shame, and nakedness.
Hmm ... think I'll retire there.

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