Newbie Nudie

Hi all, I am new to true nudists and still trying to get the confidence to get myself out in the world i want to be in. Hoping to meet you and fellow nudist friends to network with to make me feel more comfortable in my skin. Anyone got any ideas on how to be more comfortable? I love being nude when at home but just cant go outside nude in fear of being seen by someone i know

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RE: Newbie Nudie

Hi dgordo, welcome to the site, you do not tell us how far you have got at the moment. But the best way to get comfortable is to start by sleeping nude. Another way is when you get out of bed in the morning or have a shower leave it a little longer than you normally do to dress.
At first you may feel out of place but you will soon acclimatise. The best advice is to do it at your own speed, everyone has there own comfort zone takes different amounts of time to move along. Good Luck.

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RE: Newbie Nudie

If you are worried about meeting someone you know, you could do what we did and choose a distant beach / resort for your first time. We went to Club Orient in St. Martin and didn't run into anyone we already knew. We are now ready to go to one of our region's clubs (Solair) later this month, and are planning to stay at Laguna Del Sol while visiting Napa Valley this Sept. We would probably have been worried about seeing someone we knew if we went to a local club our first time, too, but our experience at Club Orient was very positive and encouraged us to continue.

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RE: Newbie Nudie

and keep in mind..... if your on a nude beach or at aresort and you run into someone you know OH WELL their there for the same reason.

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RE: Newbie Nudie

I agree with the others, but when you mention outside are you talking about at home or in public?

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