Jun 30, Hidden Springs nude beach cleanup & BBQ @ Sauvie Island

On Saturday, June 30th, Hidden Springs Nudist Club (HS) will be hosting a beach clean up of both the clothed (parking area) and the clothing optional areas.
Should you wish to come early to enjoy the beach all day feel free to do so.
The clean up starts at 3:30PM, on the beach, at the second entrance of the clothing optional area, posted as #4. I know that may be confusing, but that is how they put it in the newsletter. HS will provide disposable gloves and trash bags. The clean up is expected to take about an hour. Full trash bags can be left by the restrooms in the parking areas and they will be picked up later.
Afterwards, there will be a Potluck BBQ. Hidden Springs will provide meat, buns,water, plates, napkins & utensils you should bring side dishes, salads, desserts or other food items to share and you need to provide your own beverages should you wish for something other than water.
Parking permits are required on Sauvie Island. You can purchase them at the Cracker Barrel Store just over the Sauvie Island bridge. A day [arlomg pas is $7, or if you normally go to Sauvie four time or more a year, you may want to get a season parking pass for $22.
NOTE: If you are not a member of Hidden Springs you would still be welcome. Shoudl you choose to join the club, and you know a Hidden Springs member, say that they referred you, as they would get a discount off their next annual membership dues.

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