Why do you think about tell ing white lies?

Over 1/2 the people dating in the world tell WHITE LIES. Why it will only kill the relationship down the road. If it did not the other one will have a hard time trusting the one that lied. so tell me your feelings on the topic. do you think it is a must at the start, do you think everyone lies, do you think everyone has bad things in the trunk and some you take to the grave so you have to lie about it?
Me: You might think this by now... I think lies only heart relationships and it is much better to tell the truth then to lie. Just by my past, my lies got me into more truble then the truth will have me so I hate lies and don't do it any more I did lie. I was 23 and I just started to think this way. It was so hard to stop but you can train your brain not to lie and just say the truth.

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