Who is going this 21st of July?

I'll be there if all goes well.......

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RE: Who is going this 4th of July?

We may be there in the morning of the 4th.

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RE: Who is going this 4th of July?

Cool look for me if you do go, I'll be around 1-2 stairs

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RE: Who is going this 4th of July?

I'll be leaving San Antonio around 9am for Hippie Hollow and the sun.

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RE: Who is going this 4th of July?

Was near Hippie Hollow on a duck tour. Nice place. Wish I could had gone during while on my trip, but just didn't have the time. happy Fourth to all.

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RE: Who is going this 4th of July?

Almost turned off of 35 yesterday on our way through Austin. Never been there though and my wife would prefer to go with another couple who has been there before.

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