RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

I just agree with everyone, and would like to hereby state, right here and now, that I am totally available, for any and all, Kisses and or cuddles, from any and all females that so desire to perform, any of the afore mentioned activities, without any requirement for prior notice or consent from yours truly :) I would further like to state, that I am very glad to hear,
I hate that I missed this before, I would like to add that I agree with Phil and am also available. LOL

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

I expect nudists to behave like people but with no clothes on!

Excellent Syndarri! Everything you said...but I especially like what I've quoted above.


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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

I really wish i had seen this post before now. It answered a lot of questions i had when I first got here. Questions that seemed pretty good then, now seem extremely ignorant after reading this post. For some reason i felt like greetings and goodbyes would be different just because there were no clothed people. after reading this post it seems silly to think clothes would matter. Just people being people only nude. How cool is that!!!

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

What it really comes down to is that it'sno different than in any clothed social situation. The same parameters for what is appropriate apply in nudist society. If we have close friends whom we greet with a hug, then be it, it is fine to do so when nude. Between couples, too, regardless of their orientation, whatever signs of affection are shown should be regarded with the same level of acceptance and toleration as if we were clothed. In a perfect world we would be nude all the time. As nudists we should, ideally,not have to differentiate between a clothed world and a nude one.
Thank you !
Concise, complete; and accurate, IMHO.
Linda said it, but you explained it very well.

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RE: Cuddling, kissing and showing other signs of affection.

Sorry to say , I dont agree.
Maybe I am not ready yet , maybe its just me but I have 2 problems with that.
The first is , and I am saying that with full comprehension that nudism is not sexual ( have been practicing socially for a while now) , I just cant hug my wife when she is nude , much less cuddle or kiss . Maybe it wears off with time, maybe its a problem I have with perception but the only way I can deal with it is just by avoiding hugging her when nude ( in public)
Maybe its because she is my wife , dont know but it generates a problem with me and thats it.
About other people? Well , in Venezuela people hug and kiss when they say hi or good bye.
(women and men , men to men just shake hand)
Though yes , when we meet at the nude we still hug and kiss , sometimes it makes me uncomfortable, from the start I am a person who doesnt like to touch or be touched ( yes , I know , weirdo) , then when in the nude , more so.
Thats me.

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I love hugs!

I can't imagin going anywhere and not being able to kiss my Hubby and hold his hand or snuggle a bit. I must cuddle as much as i can and I love all hugs. I would glue myself to my Hubby if it would be in any way practical or unpainful (if tape hurts what would the glew do?)

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RE: I love hugs!

Our skin really does need hugs to survive. If I haven't seen a friend (male or female) for a while and we then greet each other. I need my hugs.
I do kiss my husband in public but I don't go overboard.

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RE: I love hugs!

I have only gone overboard with kissing my Hubby in public a few times and it was usually in the large movie parking lot by our car and on our anniversery. He likes to be spontanious sometimes on our romantic nights out at the movies or something. most pople don't see or dont care one way or the other. It is not like real heavey just some playfulness and longer kissing like sort of in the movies or something. We have even inspired other couples to get closer to each other and we all giggle over the fun of it. Its not like we are in someones lobby or anything that would just be too much. I don't think i even hold hands with Hubby in office buildings.

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RE: I love hugs!


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RE: I love hugs!

My late wife and I used to spontaneously hug many times per day or even touch a shoulder. We usually walked hand in hand and I told her I loved her more times than I can count. Most of our friends thought this was great and some said in confidence that they wished their spouse was more demonstrative in this way. After 40 years together this is one of myfondestmemories.

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