Truenudists F1 Championship

The rules go like this.
1. Your prediction 1, 2, 3 i.e. podium finishes only, count.2. Your prediction must be in at least 2hrs before the race starts i.e. after Q3.3. Points scored will be in line with F1 Championship i.e. 1=25, 2=18 , 3=15, and will be totalled as we go through the season.4. The winner will be declared in the Forums after the last race of the season.5. Clearly you must be a group member, Renebbare and Blix shall adjudicate and will have the final say.
Any further ideas? You racing spectators?
6. I don't yet know how I will get it to you but I shall sponsor a 'cheap' bottle of bubbles!!!!! on the proviso that a photo is sent for the group photos.
So the competition starts now.

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

Rule # 7 - Your prediction must be unique. You are not allowed to copy someone else's prediction. Be sure to make your prediction early so you can get your man,
Rule # 8 - You can only predict the next race. No future predictions

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

Rule # 7 - Your prediction must be unique. You are not allowed to copy someone else's prediction. Be sure to make your prediction early so you can get your man,Rule # 8 - You can only predict the next race. No future predictionsI don't think we need rule 7? if there is a draw then so be it just like the championship there may be two winners - highly unlikely though given this years results. Also there are too many of us rooting for similar drivers from same teams.
Agreed one race at a time, no futures. What if no predictions before the free practise?

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

OK. I'm in. Like Blix says, it's going to be a lottery anyway, though it might improve.
I think we should keep it simple. My suggestions in (brackets)
The rules go like this.
1. Your prediction 1, 2, 3 i.e. podium finishes only, count. (OK)

2. Your prediction must be in at least 2hrs before the race starts i.e. after Q3.
(Not sure of the reason for this Rene. Given that some of us will have to miss some races, could we not just say that at the end of the warm-up lap, just before the lights go out, that one of us, ANYONE just quotes the list of predictions, and adds, "GO! GO! GO!" and then there can be no more predictions after that post? ... That way if MaldernadOhSorryILostControlOfMyBrain, takes your man out on the warm up lap, you'll just have time to change your prediction. :)

3. Points scored will be in line with F1 Championship i.e. 1=25, 2=18 , 3=15, and will be totalled as we go through the season.(OK)

4. The winner will be declared in the Forums after the last race of the season.(OK)

5. Clearly you must be a group member, Renebbare and Blix shall adjudicate and will have the final say.
Any further ideas? You racing spectators?(OK)

6. I don't yet know how I will get it to you but I shall sponsor a 'cheap' bottle of bubbles!!!!! on the proviso that a photo is sent for the group photos. (I won't hold you to this :) btw, (no one noticed, but I posted a pic weeks ago! :)
(To make it easier for the adjudicators, We should copy and paste (Not quote)the previous predictions, then add ours to the list.
Like this:
DizzyFingers: 1. Alonso; 2. Hamilton; 3. Raikkonen
philfreeeuk: 1. Hamilton; 2. Button; 3.Webber.
Then just before the start, someone quotes it and adds "GO! GO! GO!"
Then it's set in stone and no one can edit their prediction.)
Like this:

DizzyFingers: 1. Alonso; 2. Hamilton; 3. Raikkonen philfreeeuk: 1. Hamilton; 2. Button; 3. Webber.

"GO! GO! GO!"
After this post, the comp is closed and no more predictions or alterations are allowed.

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

The 2hr stipulation was a cop out! it allows Blix and myself a little time to be flexible with world clocks and the fact that none of us will be near the Truenudists site within the 10mins prior to warm up lap let alone the start!!I would like it to stand but am open to ideas.Anyone to comment further?

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

A further to rule 6.Sorry I missed the photos Phil.Seems photos do not come with a reminder so........ Anyone posting a photo (even of the red evil!!) Please inform us, so that we can add it to our gallery. Thanks

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

The 2hr stipulation was a cop out! it allows Blix and myself a little time to be flexible with world clocks and the fact that none of us will be near the Truenudists site within the 10mins prior to warm up lap let alone the start!!I would like it to stand but am open to ideas.Anyone to comment further?
Fine by me Rene, it's not likely to make much difference anyway. Just leave it as late as you can.
I -would- like to see a list that is pasted and added to though, and especially like the idea of you quoting the final list in a last post to seal it, and close the entries.
Oh and I agree with Blix, separate thread (predictions only) comments can go on another thread.
I think that prediction changes should be permitted, prior to the closing post. Just post the list again and alter your prediction on it.
Are we going to include, and give a point for the fastest lap?

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

We will have our regular thread for every GP like we had up to now. The Germany F1 championship thread I opened is only for the predictions

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

Are we going to include, and give a point for the fastest lap?Oooh......Side bets! Lets get the prediction format working properly, then we can make improvements like this?

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

Yikes you guys make it so complicated with this rule and that rule LOL can we not just do it as we did this time put our predictions on here before the race .. if its here its sealed...?
I am now totally lost as to what I am mean to do and when etcetc... i suggest you use the KISS principal
cheers yours in Nudism & F1xxx

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RE: Truenudists F1 Championship

Sounds like a good rule to me. I cetainly don't want to kill enthusiasm with all kinds of rules. I know of a place that just did that...
So here's the rules going forward...
Rule # 1 - Place your bets in this thread before the race starts
Rule # 2 - See rule number 1

No separate threads for races. I will only keep up the one thread where we keep track of the championship

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