What is "online nudism"?

When asked about nudism by textiles and those interested in the nudist lifestyle, I say that "nudism is simply about doing things you would normally do only without clothes." Sounds basic enough. It can be sports / recreation activities like hiking, camping, swimming, etc. or more social activities like pool / hot tub parties and dances or just sitting around the house naked. Most who call themselves "nudists" would agree with this simple description, though some prefer a little more show of commitment to the naturist lifestyle like belonging to an organization with a stated purpose and rules that match these ideals.But when someone online describes themselves as a "nudist" the distinction seems a little more vague and the burden of proof a little more challenging. After all, people can (seem to) be almost anything online. Lots of people are or at least claim to be naked when communicating online. It's one thing to be at a nudist resort where it can clearly be seen that others are naked. Online, some might question a lack, or even an abundance of, naked pictures in the online provides that represent the individuals. And their activities may or may not meet with the standards of "nudism" that many in the above description would agree with. Information in profiles or participation in other online sites / forums my provide insight into an individual's religious / political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status or other lifestyle choices that may conflict with some other's interpretation of the naturist lifestyle.So what does an "online nudist" do? Is it limited to stating one you're nudist and announcing your various organization affiliations and event participations? Is stating a desire to make friends or establish relationships with other nudists necessarily mean there are ulterior motives? Is some sort of visual proof required? Does paid membership or sponsorship of a site guarantee that someone is nudist? And while the owners and moderators of sites and forums have the ability to control who can participate, do they or anyone else get to set the standards of who is or isn't an "online nudist"?

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RE: What is "online nudism"?

Personally I do not care to which degree people are nudists in reality, if they communicate well and have normal enough attitude towards social nudity. But, if someone claims to be "real life nudist". I look up for following signals:
1. Some story about some social activity in the nude (sexual encounters excluded).
2. If there are self-pics with nudity involved, is any of them made outdoors or are they just posing within four walls or stolen pics.
3. Preparedness to meet for real (not 1-on-1), in some event or resort if happen to be there same time.
4. If claiming to be member or active, how much do they really know about nude activities and nude spots in their area.
5. How coherent in general the information provided is with people who follow nude lifestyle, in one way or another.
These indicators let me define, how real a person is as a nudie. Of course some of the above do not apply to newbies or people who interested in social nudity, but that's another story. Such people should also be open about their curiosity, interest and inexperience.

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RE: What is "online nudism"?

Thanks for the feedback. But it still seems like we're centered on PROVING that someone is a "nudist" rather than what activities an online nudist is expected to engage in. It becomes a catch-22 situation that the same social networkingactivities that everyone else online engages in are the same activities that are being used to question people integrity as a "nudist".

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