what would be some of your ultimate kayak destinations
If money was no object ... Spitsbergen, Norway! I'll make it there one of these days but I think it would be amazing to have the time to paddle the coast there.
Closer to home, I had a great time paddling around the Slate Islands in Lake Superior near Rossport, Ontario. The islands form a Provincial Park and are home to the world's most southerly population of Woodland Caribou. It's a bit of a mystery how they got there in the first place (walked on the ice?) but they have no natural predators and cannot be hunted so they multiply rapidly and are not shy at all. I once spent three days camping out there and literally saw dozens and dozens of caribou. Within half an hour of setting up camp the caribou were wandering around right in camp and all night long they were brushing up against my tent. During the day you would be paddling between a couple of the islands and would have a mom and calf swim right in front of you. It was sooooooo special! I was with a group on that trip but we only saw two other kayaks in the three days so it would also be a great place for paddling nude and skinny dipping .. not that Lake Superior ever gets warm.
Here's one trip offered by an outfitter (I know nothing about them so this is not a plug ... just a suggested itinerary):https://www.wildernessinquiry.org/destinations/index.php?dest=slateislands