RE:Signal flagsI don't fly signal flags, however on the stern of my vessel there is an area that will fit the signal flag stickers to read.
Papa Alpha Romeo Tango Yankee November Alpha Kilo Echo Delta
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RE:Signal flagsI am ordering decals for my boat.
" Life is short. Boat naked"
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RE:Signal flagsThis is the official flag of the Nautical Naturists. If you see someone flying this, you know they boat bare! 
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RE:Signal flagsGood info, off to amazon to order a flag or 2
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RE:Signal flagsThanks for that. Good to know I can run a burgee when out.
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RE:Signal flagsI don't know what I'm doin wrong, I am having no luck in locating the much needed Burgee.
There is a company called Devil Woman Flags,
She has made some flags for me in the past, if someone could post the Burgee colors and size she will happily make them, no minimum order either.
Not trying to be a promoter, just a good company I've done business with in the past
Pura Vida
6 June 18
Contacted dwflags, she is not able to make a 12X18 flag with the notch in it and a standard 12x18 is her size limit and does not recommend that simply due to the size of the lettering.
She does recommend a 12x18 pennant/triangle flag price would be $30. ea
Question, Does anyone know the font that the letter is or, does anyone have a good HiRes quality picture that I could pass along to her.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Pura Vida
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RE:Signal flagsThanks guys, now I have some thing else to look for and buy.
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RE:Signal flagsI have a skinnydipper flag I fly.
You can find them here: Skinny Dipper Flag
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RE:Signal flags
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