The debate, the mistake and the punishment

I was just loungin around today like I usually do on Sundays and a friend came by so we both kicked back for a lazy afternoon.

We were discussin my most un-favorite subject [other than religion] and I was tryin to make the point that it doesnt matter who we vote for, or whoever becomes President because our individual votes dont mean shit, because the people who are the haves in this country have the power and have the money make sure that THEIR candidate becomes the President.

So she waits till I complete the sentence THEN practically yells in my ear that I have a Potty mouth. Huh? I replied. You used that s, h, blank, t word. Yeah, ok. I replied, with a I dont care if I did or not kinda attitude to which she said that if I didnt watch my mouth she was gonna lather a bar of soap and just wash my mouth out with it. Yeah, ok I said back haphazardly.

So going back to the original subject commenting that The congress and senate are where the power to make decisions are really made and that the president has very little power to make to make a decision no matter what the hell he said while he was on the campaign trail. Stopping only long enough to take another breath I added Oh, big deal, he can say we are going to war, or veto a few things like that, so big fuckin deal; some leader.

She lurched at me. I said WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!! I rather casually replied back opps, sorry. She got up quickly and headed out into the kitchen opening the frig. To get a soda I guess.

After pouring herself some and coming back into the front room with it she stated that she for the most part she agreed with my stance on this upcoming election, put her glass on the table and headed into the bathroom. I took that as an indicator that this particular discussion was over so I got up, turned on the stereo to some of my mood music and then sat back down & stretched out on the sofa closing my eyes not knowing how long she was going to be.

After a few minutes I almost drifted off, and with the music on I could not hear if she was done in the bathroom or not. I SHOULD HAVE listened more to the sounds from that part of the place.

Sneaking like a cat, she moved the table in front of the couch. Ever so quietly, she positioned herself between the table and me then in one snappy move sat down on me pinning my arms to my body and had squeezed my nose closed at the same time. I abruptly opened my eyes to this not quit knowing what was going on. Placing her fingers on my nose and sitting on me all in one move made me open my eyes and take a deep breath after which I was shocked to have her shove a bar of soap she had already lathered before sitting on me into my mouth placing her hand over it to keep me from spitting it out. As I tried to get my hands and arms free she wiggled around to prevent that action then looked me right in the eyes & informed me: I DID tell you what was going to happen if you cussed again so just lay back and take your medicine. I figured, ok, what the hell, it would be over in a minute or so.

Oh was I was wrong.

After what seemed like an eternity, she said to spit into the empty soda glass, which I gladly did. I informed her that she could get up now.

Wrong thing to say!
I was told quite infadicly that she was not done, to which I said, Oh come on, thats enough, it was only two little words! and she just laughed. I wasnt watching what she was doing with her hands. Had I been, I wouldve seen her re-lathering the soap for a second round. I still could not move my arms to prevent her from doing what I was going to be forced yet again to endure.

She looked at me with a wild smirk on her face and told me to Open up! I commanded NO DAMNED WAY!!! to which she responded by pinching my nose closed only more forcibly this time. I tried to hold my breath but she just waited till I had no choice but to open my mouth upon which she shoved that bar with all the sudsy lather on it back into my mouth and again placed her hand over it. Had she been able to understand what I was moaning she wouldve soaped my mouth even more cause I was cussin her out somethin fierce.

All I could do was lay there with the taste of this sudsy bar inundating every part of my mouth rather I liked it or not. After a couple of minutes of me just holding it there, she must have realized that I was not going to get it anymore around inside of my mouth she then started pushing my cheeks giving me the chance to push it outta my mouth. Getting it almost all the way out, she forcibly pushed it back which mead me get it all over my teeth and tongue. This was gross having so much of this all across my teeth now. I needed to stop this. They after all were only two little words, but not in her mind. I was then informed to start suckin on it. I murmured NO WAY!!! Well that too was not the right thing to even mumble. I then felt her other hand grabbing my crotch and beginning to squeeze. She again commanded to start suckin on it. Ok, ok, Im a-suckin. After a few minutes, the bar and my mouth in general felt all dry and she could see this so she put her hand in the bowl of water she had brought out on the table with her and let the water dribble on the soap and into my mouth which of course made just that much more lather. YUCCK!

I needed to spit by now, so after the word spit a bit, she let me give up the bar and spit into the glass. All I wanted to do by now is get up and go rinse all this nasty taste out of my mouth, but this wasnt gonna happen soon I figured. She asked me if I was gonna cuss any more. I replied NOOOOO! she apparently did not think that my no was truthful so she reached her hands into the bowl yet again and started lathering the bar. I am telling, no begging her to stop but she just smiled saying that she had to make totally sure, and positive to HER satisfaction that my mouth was completely clean and slid the bar back into my mouth even to my protests, which didnt help as it just got more soap all over my face and even more scrapped across my teeth. Finally I just decided to shut up, lay there and let her enjoy her dominance of this nasty, soapy situation.

After a while of soap sucking and watching her laugh and chuckle like a little kid with a new toy, she got up and let me get that nasty mess outta my mouth. I got up, ran to the bathroom making all kinds of protesting noises and listening to her laughing all the way down the hall and into the bathroom.

It took a good ten minutes of rinsing and gargling to get that taste outta my mouth. I even tried to use my toothbrush.

BAD IDEA!!!!!! Just made more lather, and all the while thinking of ways to get back at her for all this nasty tasting humiliation.

All I wanted to do was have a conversation and maybe debate on how useless voting for a president is.

Guess I wont be having any more debates with HER.

NEXT TIME Ill know better.

When I finally came back out to the front room, she had put the soap in the kitchen, the bowl was on the sink and she was gone.

DAMNIT!!!!! Opps, Id better watch my mouth. She might be hiding somewhere with a bar of soap in hand.

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