I'm new here

I just joined the site and really became interested in social nudity. I have always had a nudist streak. I tend to spend most of my time at home in the nude and from time to time catch some rays on my terrace or have a cup of coffee out there in the nude. I really do not have any like-minded friends and want to make some. I'm in NJ not even an hour from Gunnison and have always wanted to get but I have yet to make it there.

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RE: I'm new here

Welcome to the site.
Participate on the site, and I'm sure you'll make friends; online friends who can then transition into real life friends.

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RE: I'm new here

You may be surprised to find others in your area that are on this site. They can help you find a good time and place to visit a resort. I would think most during weekdays have fewer people than on weekend so you can ease into it.
Myself, I went on a busy weekend. I jumped in with both feet as it were. I figured I am going there to be naked and enjoy the day so it does not matter who all is there.
Admittedly the first time undressing at the resort was a bit scary. I realized if I were the only one dressed, I would be getting more awkward stares.
Whether this helps or not I do not know. Enjoy!
Stay naked!

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