Skinny Dipping Congressman

This story from NBC News caught my attention and I was interested in what response nudists/skinny-dippers would have. The story does not indicate whether the skinny dipping congressman actual did anything illegal or not (which I'd be curious to know).
It also does not indicate whether anyone present was particularly offended by his actions. Anyway, I'm curious to know whether you folks think an apology was necessary or if you have other reaction to this story.

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

I believe that this was a case of a long hot day of work, a need to unwind and a little (OK maybe a lot of) booze. The story that I read indicated that several people went into the water fully clothed, others partially dressed and one congressman wastotally nude. I believe that all of these people were of one political party so the opposition party will have a field day with it. If these people want to promote nude public swimming, I will support them whole heartedly, regardless of their political affiliation. As its often been said; "politics makes strange bedfellows."

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

I wouldn't call it a "long, hot day of work". It was a paid, political vacation with the intention of lobbying for more funds and support.

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

No, you are correct. But how does that lead to a long day of work?

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

CNN. A report by another member of the party who had their children with them. I don't care for the ridiculous moralizing. It's the hypocrisy that bothers me.

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

CNN. A report by another member of the party who had their children with them.
I've read the NBCNews story, the original Politico story, and now this CNN story and still cannot see where it was indicated that anyone present was offended except for the line, "As he dived into the water naked, someone screamed that he was not wearing any clothes" which may or may not have been a result of them taking offense.
As far as the propriety of his actions, I agree with others who have said it was foolish for him to do. A naked congressman in any context is notable, and probably not helpful to his reelection campaign.

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

Exactly. Anthony Weiner resigned after an underwear tweet.

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

The important question is whether you can find it on a map of the world. Or a globe. You know, the round version of a map.

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

...a globe. You know, the round version of a map.Sphere

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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman


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RE: Skinny Dipping Congressman

I concede. Orb it is.

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