Nude in Dream

This topic just struck me..
Since my childhood, several times I saw myself nude in my dreams. Sometimes I was embarrassed before other textiled people, sometimes I was free like a bird and the clothed people were envying my freedom...sometimes...I am nude in nature and its extremely erotic. Even once in a dream I saw myself making love with a tree.
I wonder, is it happening to me only? i am sure there are other naturists, nature lovers also who have the similar experiences.
I will write some of such dreams which I still remember...and whenever i will have dream like that ..I will share that , here.
Hope you all will enjoy reading those and will also contribute.

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The dream which used to come back to me quite often in my childhood and puberty time.
I am on my way back to home from school and I am feeling very light..then a breeze comes and start flying like a leaf and I thought..oh my God, one can fly so easily !! and I land up on a field full with long grass. I am walking through that thick growth of grass and I reach to a space where a group of men and women, all with a loin cloth and women with a sarong........are standing in a circle. The moment they see me they all yell in joy. And 2 men and 2 women come close to me to inform that they were waiting for their leader to come and i am that leader, They take me to a river and strip me. They bathe me with herbs and decorate me with wild flowers and creepers. I ask for something to cover my genitals but they inform that the king is not supposed to wear anything. and I learn that being nude is symbol of power. When they lead me back to group. they all start dancing to a rhythm. And suddenly they find that I am having an erection. And they start throwing wild flowers to my erected cock.....................
Generally, at this point, I used to wake up and found myself suffering from throbbing erection. But i never had night falls in such dreams.

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RE: Nude in Dream

The dream which used to come back to me quite often in my childhood and puberty time.I am on my way back to home from school and I am feeling very light..then a breeze comes and start flying like a leaf and I thought..oh my God, one can fly so easily !! and I land up on a field full with long grass. I am walking through that thick growth of grass and I reach to a space where a group of men and women, all with a loin cloth and women with a sarong........are standing in a circle. The moment they see me they all yell in joy. And 2 men and 2 women come close to me to inform that they were waiting for their leader to come and i am that leader, They take me to a river and strip me. They bathe me with herbs and decorate me with wild flowers and creepers. I ask for something to cover my genitals but they inform that the king is not supposed to wear anything. and I learn that being nude is symbol of power. When they lead me back to group. they all start dancing to a rhythm. And suddenly they find that I am having an erection. And they start throwing wild flowers to my erected cock.....................Generally, at this point, I used to wake up and found myself suffering from throbbing erection. But i never had night falls in such you have always been a godlike person. i surely honour you. Please keep it up

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RE: Nude in Dream

A recent one:
I am withdrawing money from an ATM counter. When i got all cash, I counted and trying to keep them in my trouser's pocket realize that I am naked. I am cursing myself for being so foolish that I have come to an ATM, nude and how to carry money!!
Then I come out of the counter. In one hand I am holding the card in other hand all the no way to cover the crotch. I step out and thinking that perhaps people will start beating me...but to my surprise..I see that one gives a damn. So i start walking towards my home. On my way I meet some school friends...not as grown up...but as they were.....they all wanted to join me....I smile and waive at them and keep on walking......without free and relaxed.

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RE: Nude in Dream

Last night I saw a beautiful dream.
I am wearing a sarong around my waist and was walking along a road. It was very windy and suddenly I leaned forward and pushed the ground (as we do in swimming) and started flying like a was so pleasant and liberating.......I felt that the knot in the sarong was becoming loose....but I was flying......slowly the breeze slowed down and I landed in a water body. There I was doing a stint of underwater swimming and when i came up I found that a cowboy was bathing his cattle. I just popped up close to one of his cow and when i was again giving a thrust to the ground to take off...I realized that the sarong got wet and heavy and its falling down slowly........and I looked down to find that I am having an erection and the sarong is just hanging on it........and the moment i started flying again it dropped down.........and I was flying freely like a bird.

Do you guys find such dreams funny? Is there any one who can do dream analysis? What does it mean?

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RE: Nude in Dream

A new one...I saw it day before yesterday,

It's night time and am walking along a beach....nude...there is beautiful moon light. I crosses the beach and moved towards my shack. When i was about to knock the door I found there was a doorbell. I was quite surprised as there was no electricity in the area. I laughed and thought why they put a bell here..? And pressed it as fun.
And lo...the bell rang and thousands of light came up. I found that actually I am standing at the glass door of a big apartment which I could not see in the dark. All the rooms in every floor got their light on. And people woke up in that sound of the bell. They all came in the balcony attached to their room.
I looked up at the apartment..It looks like a 5 star hotel from outside. With 100s of people looking at me from their balcony. There are lights focusing on me......then I realized that I am completely nude. I got shrunk in embarrassment. Then I decided that I have to look absolutely relaxed. I stopped thinking that I am naked. I waved at them..........I could hear a wave of laughter and they all waved at me.
My dream broke and I got up.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I had several dreams whereI was openly nude, and the nudity
was by far the central theme and most pleasurable aspect of the
dreams. They were all around the time I was going through
puberty. I had several where I was nude and flying and they
ended with or included night falls into ecstasy, but with no
nocturnal emission. Two dreams stand out and ended in full
orgasm.In oneI was with boyhood friends along a river,
actually at a large man made dam with rushing falls and
water. They were all people I knew, all male, and it was a
place i had visited quite a few times with these boys. I was
about 14 at the time. We were playing, throwing sticks into
the water and two of us began stripping off our clothes. It
felt irresistible, like I had no choice and extremely
pleasurable. The others were watching. I was very aware
of my nakedness and the way the breeze felt on my nude body.
My penis was erect and my friend's was as well. The others
just seemed to be watching us, curious. I was so aware
ofmy body and hisand the feeling of sunlight and air
and rushing water. At that point the other boys also began to
take their clothes off. There was a feeling we might go for a
swim and two of the other boys got nude and went into the
water. There was no sexual contact among any of us but I was
overwhelmed with the feelings and the beauty of it and that's when
I achieved full orgasm for the first time. I woke up
wet. It is obviously a sexual dream, but it did not feel
sexual and even today as I remember it, the overwhelming image and
feelings were about nakedness and my full exposure in nature with
these other boys. It was a beautiful dream to me and still
is in memory.

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I had a dream when I was 15 that I was naked in a crowd of clothed
students at the school I had attended the year before. It
started with me nude in the boy's wash room toilet very aware of my
nakedness and that I would have to walk publicly through the school
to get to the locker room where my clothes were. As I walked out
into the public halls it suddenly became class changing time!
There were crowds of students going up and down the stairs, all
clothed and I was naked. I was embarrassed by my nudity. A few people made fun, laughed a bit. Mostly
they seemed good natured and I had this sense that it was a rite of
passage, as though others had been in this predicament and it was
merely my turn to go though it. I became fully erect and
rather thanfeelingmy erectionwas caused by sexual
arousal, it was more looking at my penis and being aware of my
public nudity made me feel sexually aroused. At that time I
achieved orgasm and woke up. There was no sexual
contact. It was the naked exposure that aroused me.

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RE: Nude in Dream

Even i get dreams of being naked in the public. Its like i m leaving my house at nite naked and i go for a nude walk. To my surprise its morning and people are everywhere. I get tensed and think how will i reach home?? And that is when i wake up. I do get many such dreams whenever i recollect will keep posting here.
Enjoy nude and stay NakedNeil

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RE: Nude in Dream

Just now woke up from a nudream (as I term it) in which I was nude -
I am alone on a hill top...rather near a cliff. (The place is very similar to Chunchi @ Bangalore, where I visited a TN friend last year), The place was quite sandy...and rocky. On my right side there were huge rocks which reddish in color...there was this 10 ft wide space where I was standing..and it ends suddenly. I went towards the edge and found that its quite steep and 100 mts down a river is flowing with enormous force, (very simillar to the sights of rivers in Uttarkhand which we are watching in TV now a days). I got scraed looking the river down there. And then I realise that it is raining...and from the cliff side water is flowing, covering the area where I was standing and it is falling to the river. I started digging a trench on the sand so that I can let the water pass from on the side. And then I realised that sports shoes which I kept on the sand are sliding down and fell down to the river below. I leaned forward and saw that not only my shoes...but my black shorts is also there down in the river.
I got quite surprised and looked at my self....and Lo! I am there completely naked. I looked at my right side and saw that my undies...floating with passing water slowly... its still in the figure of eight as i rolled it off and did not bother to unroll it properly. I was trying to catch hold of it but before i reach it it too fell 100 mts down and went in the river.
I stood up....completely naked....nothing to cover myself. And then I could hear some one's voice...people are coming!!! For a second I froze. They will catch me naked!!

And I woke up from the dream. If this was not a dream!!!

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RE: Nude in Dream

why dont you write in details?

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