RE: Nude in Dream

I had quite a few dreams of being nude in front of strangers as well as known persons and in public places. In fact such dreams often gave me ideas for my nude dares I have performed.

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RE: Nude in Dream

A dream analyst might say that we all struggle inside for boundary spanning to express our nudists self. I think you all will agree that when in dream we suddenly discover ourselves nude ...we all first experience a shrinking...then a power comes in and we feel proud and non uninhibited.

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RE: Nude in Dream

In a frequent dream I'm on the back of an open trailer careering out of controldown a road which becomes a track, then a path, then a road again. Sometimes it squeezes through narrow gaps in a fence, past a farmhouse, up and down steep hills, along the edge of a precipice. I'm naked throughout and wondering when the wheels will come off.

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RE: Nude in Dream

Last night, I had a peculiar dream.
I am in a hotel in some new place. I peeped through the window and saw that I could see the backside of my house. i was so surprised to know that this beautiful place where I have come for so close....almost at the back side of my own house. Now I come out of the hotel and am walking through the road. At some places found a crowd. I reached there and saw that there is a bathing place and few men were having bath completely nude. i was surprised and thought My goodness - people can have nude bath so openly?? Are they not aware that people can see them??
Then I realized that bathing nude is fully allowed. And I found that the people who were observing were also nude. I was so delighted that such a free space for nudism is existing right back of my house. I too stripped and joined them. I found all the men are with erection. I felt quite embarrassed as the it is just on open road. Then some body told me that who ever gets into that water (then I saw that all were having bath in a pool) will automatically have erection due to some properties in the water.

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RE: Nude in Dream

Hearing this, I started getting into the pool slowly and I too find myself having erection. I saw people were chatting with each other...they are discussing any thing but sex. But they all are continuing with erection.
I looked at the pool side and found few women who were fully attired. I was feeling ashamed. then somebody informed that these women are the wives of men who are bathing nude. And the women are very proud of their man's erection. The woman, whose
husband owns the most beautiful erected cock is praised by other women.
Hearing this, my cock started growing in size and has become so huge that I myself was surprised....Oh my God, My dick can actually be enlarged to this extent !!!
Though my wife was not there.

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RE: Nude in Dream

The pain was too much to bear with .
And I woke up to find myself sleeping with morning erection....I was sleeping on my chest and my cock is getting pressed with bed.
I was alone in my room. I got up nude and walked towards the window, to check if I can see that pool. I was still in the realm of the dream.
Then something happened for which I was not ready.

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RE: Nude in Dream

At the back of our house there is an open land belongs to a small factory that makes packing box. when they get huge order they use the open space to store their stuff. Otherwise it is a grassy land with some bush here and there. there is a tap outside...which the workers use for bathing etc.
I saw two workers were taking bath...though not nude but in tiny undies.
I was looking at them and was thinking of my dream situation.
One guy finished bath....was wiping with a towel...standing....I was seeing his back.The other guy was soaping himself...sitting on the ground...facing me (I was standing in my bed room window at first floor) but looking at his friend. The standing guy dried himself and was changing...and then suddenly the towel dropped.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I saw that this guy was not at all ashamed...the sitting guy laughed and perhaps made some comment on this guy's dick. This guy was standing with towel hanging from one hand and he was holding (most likely) his tools with other.
This time , I coughed to draw their attention. The standing guy turned back was about to put on his towel. But the moment he saw me with full erection (non sexual) he was caught by sheer surprise. He forgot to cover himself....the sitting guy was numb with wide open mouth.
In 10 sec they got back into sense...and they both started giggling looking at me. They almost ran into the shed...i still could hear their giggle.

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RE: Nude in Dream

In two minutes, one guy came to spread his wet undies in sun and he waas trying hard not to look at the window. but he saw me through the corner of his eyes, then tuned towards me ...looked at me fully. He again started giggling and ran into the shed. I could hear the laughter from inside the shed.
Then both of them came out and stared at me and their giggle stopped...they were standing with smile on their face.
I also smiled back and waived. They waived too. They went inside the shed and before going with a smiling face they made a hand gesture to indicate shagging.
I moved away from the window.....felt quite happy....and relaxed....never thought to be able to exhibit like this.....i wa sstill thinking of the dream situation....I went back to my bed.....lied peacefully....and.....1..2..3...4...5...

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RE: Nude in Dream

My dream of last night.
I went to see a movie. During the half time, when I was about to get up, I suddenly realised that i am fully nude. I came out from home fully naked....

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