RE: Nude in Dream

The dream which used to come back to me quite often in my childhood and puberty time.I am on my way back to home from school and I am feeling very light..then a breeze comes and start flying like a leaf and I thought..oh my God, one can fly so easily !! and I land up on a field full with long grass. I am walking through that thick growth of grass and I reach to a space where a group of men and women, all with a loin cloth and women with a sarong........are standing in a circle. The moment they see me they all yell in joy. And 2 men and 2 women come close to me to inform that they were waiting for their leader to come and i am that leader, They take me to a river and strip me. They bathe me with herbs and decorate me with wild flowers and creepers. I ask for something to cover my genitals but they inform that the king is not supposed to wear anything. and I learn that being nude is symbol of power. When they lead me back to group. they all start dancing to a rhythm. And suddenly they find that I am having an erection. And they start throwing wild flowers to my erected cock.....................Generally, at this point, I used to wake up and found myself suffering from throbbing erection. But i never had night falls in such you have always been a godlike person. i surely honour you. Please keep it up
This story is about innocence and recognition. To be celebrated for a simple and ... socially-shunned - as in normal society are against nudity - reason. Nudity was suppressed and your wish. Being stripped and bathed by others was what you wished in reality. 2 men and 2 women is a balanced number, maybe you were deciding which company was better but couldn't reach the bottom line. But the men were the more favoured ones because they were wearing smaller garments as in loincloth while the women wore more as in sarong. Elements present were of (returning from) school and tribal people. School represents the current reality. Tribal people is the fantasy or escape, they are people who are closest to nudity life and get away with it or rather its their culture. You exceeded them. Wild flowers thrown at your cock is about getting attention, and perhaps in an unusual way. All my opinion only. Any thoughts?
Overall, very nice dream.
Going off-topic, in Ghana, those people are crazy about circumcision and will destroy a person who does not do it to the point that he feel of having no choice but to do it. However, if a person is of royal blood, he must not be circumcised. This is what I was told. So good or bad really? Just for sharing, no need to discuss.

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RE: Nude in Dream

A recent one:I am withdrawing money from an ATM counter. When i got all cash, I counted and trying to keep them in my trouser's pocket realize that I am naked. I am cursing myself for being so foolish that I have come to an ATM, nude and how to carry money!!Then I come out of the counter. In one hand I am holding the card in other hand all the no way to cover the crotch. I step out and thinking that perhaps people will start beating me...but to my surprise..I see that one gives a damn. So i start walking towards my home. On my way I meet some school friends...not as grown up...but as they were.....they all wanted to join me....I smile and waive at them and keep on walking......without free and relaxed.Interesting to think of money first before your nudity state. You thought of not able to cover the crotch because you have card in one hand and money in the other. You could have still put both hands filled with those items in front of your crotch but didn't, so its an excuse for showing yourself. You met school friends as they were back in school and they wanted to join you on seeing you walking naked. You wanted them to be naked with you but it didn't come to be. The freedom was not present in the real world - not in the bank and not among school friends - it was the escape of the dream. All my opinion only. Any thoughts?
It is an interesting dream.

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RE: Nude in Dream

Last night I saw a beautiful dream.I am wearing a sarong around my waist and was walking along a road. It was very windy and suddenly I leaned forward and pushed the ground (as we do in swimming) and started flying like a was so pleasant and liberating.......I felt that the knot in the sarong was becoming loose....but I was flying......slowly the breeze slowed down and I landed in a water body. There I was doing a stint of underwater swimming and when i came up I found that a cowboy was bathing his cattle. I just popped up close to one of his cow and when i was again giving a thrust to the ground to take off...I realized that the sarong got wet and heavy and its falling down slowly........and I looked down to find that I am having an erection and the sarong is just hanging on it........and the moment i started flying again it dropped down.........and I was flying freely like a bird.Do you guys find such dreams funny? Is there any one who can do dream analysis? What does it mean?I can't say what sarong represent but I feel it form a significant part of the interpretation. Changing from road to air to water is about changing from normal to thrills. Cowboy and cows probably represent spectators, a wish to be seen by someone. Nice that your erection was saving your sarong but in the end, it was lost. If erection is to represent yourself, strengths and desires in an unusual way, maybe then the sarong represent the qualities imposed upon you that you have to uphold but in the end, it ok to lose it. My opinion only. Any thoughts?
I think the story is funny but naked dreams with erection is always nice.
Going off topic, I used to come up with story ideas with naked and sexual content and most of the time, I never got to finish them because I felt "distracted". One of the ideas was of a number of people (humans and nonhuman fantasy characters) caught and thrown into a dungeon maze naked and with nothing. They have to cooperate and use what they have on them. This include using the penis as a tool, such as to push buttons lodged deep inside holes.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I am in my director's room, talking to her, sitting in front of her table. The meeting is over and when i was about to get up, I suddenly realized that I am only wearing a shirt, and that too a short shirt. I was panicked...Our office is not a nudist friendly. She is a woman, and as i get up and leave the room, i will have to cross the space where other lady colleagues are sitting. They will be offended. i will booked under sexual harassment at work space policy.
I was panicked. And woke up. Got so relieved.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I am in my director's room, talking to her, sitting in front of her table. The meeting is over and when i was about to get up, I suddenly realized that I am only wearing a shirt, and that too a short shirt. I was panicked...Our office is not a nudist friendly. She is a woman, and as i get up and leave the room, i will have to cross the space where other lady colleagues are sitting. They will be offended. i will booked under sexual harassment at work space policy.I was panicked. And woke up. Got so relieved.You were in a formal setting and out of your element in more than one way. You are in obvious trouble due to clothes, had this really happened, a lot would have changed in your life. I would say this dream is about the desire for change, possibly due to some heavy pressure or something you have put up with for some time. Looking from another angle, I would also say that other factors have become more of a priority than nudism.My opinion only. Any thoughts?

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RE: Nude in Dream

u r true....nudism is bit de prioritised...due to work load.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I remember a few things about my recent nude dream
I was naked at the airport with back pack and did not know where to get the flight, So I kept asking people where can I board the flight. All the people were textile. The time of the flight had passed by and I was panicking. Then I saw one of my friends at the airport who was also naked and took me to the flight. Inside the flight there were many naked men and I could see one of my cousins and one more nudist friend in the flight.Next the flight departed but there were no seats for us in the flight. and they asked us to climb down from the flight and I used a ladder to climb down ;)

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RE: Nude in Dream

I am inside a fort...walking all alone. From one window I looked outside and saw sea outside.
I was surprised...and told to myself that - Oh, I did not know that this fort is on the beach...let me go there,
So from that window I almost flied nd landed up on the beach and started walking....then i saw many people...friends and relatives....they smiled at me...or waived me.
Suddenly I look down on the sand...and I discovered that I was completely nude. I thought Oh my god...i am walking nude!! but those people were so cool about means that in this beach walking nude is not a big deal...its accepted and allowed.
I must write about it in TN....then i felt a sensation and realised that not only i am naked but i am having a hard on as well.
At this point my dream broke and I woke up.
I found that I am sleeping nude in my bed...with erection...and my wife...sleeping beside me....her hand is resting on there.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I have woken from a nude dream on the last two mornings. I can't remember yesterday's. This morning I was talking to other villagers about some problem with our village hall. As usual with dreams it was involved and convoluted with no conclusion. During the conversation I realized I was naked while the others were clothed. I was embarrassed. Then, one by one, they became naked too, easing my embarrassment. As with others my dreamsweren't erotic in any way. But I woke with massive erections.

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RE: Nude in Dream

Is it only men who have these dreams? Well no because I certainly do quite regularly and they always involve me suddenly realising that I am naked in very public places, in the most recent dream I was running a marathon at the Olympic Games and as I entered the stadium for the final few hundred metres I hear the roar of the crowd getting louder and louder and I look down at the track and see that I am running bare foot and then I become aware of my boobs bouncing and then know that I am quite naked in front of tens of thousands of spectators...................

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