RE: Nude in Dream

Hi,Even i get dreams of being naked in the public. Its like i m leaving my house at nite naked and i go for a nude walk. To my surprise its morning and people are everywhere. I get tensed and think how will i reach home?? And that is when i wake up. I do get many such dreams whenever i recollect will keep posting here.Enjoy nude and stay NakedNeilnanga neil..u a true nudist

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RE: Nude in Dream

I was at some confusing wedding reception, hunting around pubs etc. for the reception. Wherever I turned the streets headed in the other direction. One time I was in a bar filled by just a few drunken cow hands, clearly the wrong place. I looked down and noticed I was wearing a pink floral dress open all down the front. It would have been better if I was naked.

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RE: Nude in Dream

Last night I had a dream where I was catching a train in Tokyo. Everyone in the crowded train was naked and even the staff pushing people on the train were naked.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I only dreamed that I see but I do nothing for covering, I'm naked and to enjoy in my dream to see me naked.Once I dreamed that I went to my work but only bathed me, then I took my breakfast and walked to my office. When he arrived he greeted everyone and everyone saw me normal even felt so real that when I woke up, the first thing I asked was what if I'm naked on today? lol he had not, but that dream was the best.

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RE: Nude in Dream

love them dreams of yours i wish i had some like that please more thanks MARK

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RE: Nude in Dream

This is a really interesting discussion, lots of stuff popping up from the subconscious. I remember that about the time I was seriously getting interested in social nudism, I had a series of dreams around the theme of being naked at work. In the dreams I was conflicted but determined to be comfortably naked among my coworkers. I would arrive nude and let myself into my office, and notice my coworkers watching me with some surprise and hesitation but not saying anything. My conviction was that it was right for me to be naked, and that they would adjust. In the dreams I would work on being at ease when I had to give a presentation, aware of but not constrained by my being naked in front of all my professionally dressed colleagues. We would not be distracted by bare skin or dangly parts, and over the course of the dreams being naked with clothed coworkers didn't interfere with my confidence, productivity or work relationships.
I have some awake imaginings of such a life now; wouldn't it be great if we had that latitude?

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RE: Nude in Dream

I saw it yesterday:
I am in a place..which has some here and there...some sand...I was moving fully dressed. suddenly i looked at a furthest corner and found few guys were playing Frisbee.I was trying to see who they are..then somebody told me..dont go there..they are nudists..they are all nude.
Listening to this..i just jumped and started running towards them...and I was worried lest they think thaat I am coming to attack them. so while running i stripped and reached to them fully nude. And due to this excitement i got erection.
They all looked at me started laughing which was very welcoming...and i felt quite at peace with myself.

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RE: Nude in Dream

The other night I slept in my, rather bulky, cock ring. I dreamt I was shopping naked and trying to pretend I wasn't wearing the cock ring. Hopeless really

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RE: Nude in Dream

Yes me too hv few experiences of naked dreams. The recent one which I remember which I saw a couple of weeks back. It was a very short dream in which I saw myself completely naked & people in my life r hving a good look @ me. I'm actually dnt give a damn in my life & dats wht d dream says it all!
I searched abt naked dreams on google which told me, it abt self confidence & carefree nature of d person who is seeing the dream.
So whoever is hving a naked dream, dnt worry, its ur carefree nature or u r thinking too much abt nudity... Lolz!

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RE: Nude in Dream

I'm probably nude in most of my dreams, but don't usually note it. The other night, though, nudity figured in the plot - Just after dark, I had pulled off a road in a woodsy suburb, and gone naked and barefoot into the trees to be quiet and alone for a while. When I turned back toward my car, I saw that police cars had come up and were examining the vehicle. I chose to leave them to it and walk home. Where the woods gave out I started just going down the sidewalks, trying of course to be inconspicuous in that impossible way one can use only in a dream, simply willing people not to notice me. It seemed to be working. The dream faded before I got home, so I don't know quite where home was; the neighborhood looked like noplace I have ever lived.

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