RE: Nude in Dream

Last night i had a dream which is surrealiastic....i never had such dream before.
It was a night and i was nude at my rooftop. Suddenly i saw a curtain hanging at one corner and there was someone behind it i thought it must be a thief...hiding behind it. I reached there and without removing the curtain i held a limb of that person behind the curtain. Then i felt it was not a human but a monkey. I got scared and pushed it with a stick. It was not moving i started pricking it vigorously with that stick....the curtain fell down and i saw a robust man, in a lying position,half asleep with an erected cock. And in that lying position he started floating....flying like a kite which is cut. I was amused. Realised he must be a great yogi. By that time he slowly landed up on my neighbou's that unconcious state with heavy erection. I reached there to wake him up...he came into his conciousness...and said why u had to prick me with stick? My body is aching. I folded my arms and apologized...he then again started floating in air like a pice of paper...and landed in my roof. I reached there and asked him to come with e and take rest. He seemed to be in ecstasy...and the erected penis was the most beautiful divine penis i had ever seen. He got up and sat....there was a beutiful aroma. I rralised i am also nude..but not hard. I had a fervent desire to burry my head on his touch it with my nose...cheek...eyes...tungue.

My dream broke but i was left with a deep spiritual feeling.

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RE: Nude in Dream

i had a nude in a dream dream the other night. I was driving and for some reason needed to change pants. In real life i have done this several times. Leave a place that required long pants and strip them off and since i always go commando i bare from the waist down while i switch to shorts . So that is what i was doing in this dream, but for some reason i was switching from shorts to shorts.There were folks around the car in the dream and a friend in the passenger seat too in the dream.

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RE: Nude in Dream

This was very interesting....
I am sitting on the top most row of a gallary....this is indoor..and the center down..there is a swimming pool. I saw guys swimming i got up and realised i am also nude. I started running slong the top row of the gallary. Suddenly i saw my first cousin brother and before i start feeling embarassed he gave me a thumbs up..and i found he too was nude. I felt so happy and relaxed. And we both started running nude.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I must of had a few dreams where I am undressed but they don't stand out as being significant. When I do I never feel uncomfortable about being naked. The only recent nude dreams I've had were about my early morning nature walks in the summer. Those two dreams were obviously from longing for summer and being able to take those morning walks. With this cool spring I am getting housebound.Usually my dreams are about art and design problems or working out other challenges such as how to build a project currently I am thinking about.It might be nice to have adventuresome nude dreams.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I often dream that I am nude. Many times I am nude in public at some crowed venue such as a ball game or some place like. I walk around nude and no one seems to notice. I then realize that I am nude and try to hid so no one notices me. I don't know why I do that because I had been running around nude for quite some time and everyone had a chance to see me.

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RE: Nude in Dream

last night, 16th May, i saw that i am visiting my previous office. i pushed the calling bell. The director opened it and welcomed me with warm smile..and when he looked at me i realized - ohh gosh!! i came here without wearing anything!!
but he was completely cool about it.

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RE: Nude in Dream

i just read your post it is interesting!.. i am writing it late coz i
have joined the group recently... I do love nature ,, and as you said
you had a dream of making loveto trees .. I have this inner
feeling that I love water a lot .. rain, waterfalls , well , rivers
, and of course most beautiful one sea ocean ..when i was a kid
only schoolwas the prime I use to spend a lot of time
in bathroom .. ( not something bad ok ) i use to sing and dance and
do day dreaming siting under the shower .. even now my friend get
fed up when we go outing to some river, waterfall and so on i don't
come out easily.. they have to beg or abuse me with words to bring
me out of the water .. even same things use to happen in childhood
at our farm in native .. i use tospend hours and hours in
well and small water tanks in the farm .. so may be we
can say i do make love with water .. and i am just like you .. only
thing is our lovers are different and in different forms ..

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RE: Nude in Dream

I awoke from a nude dream this morning, though it was not a happy dream. I sleep nude so in my dream I was asleep in bed nude and heard the sounds of my dog wrenching. I jumped out of bed to see how he was and watched him bring up a small amount of blood. I frantically ran into the kitchen, which was full of dressed people, to get some paper towels. No one wanted to help, I had asked for assistance, so I returned to my dog just in time to hold his head before he died. The dream seemed so real.I awoke for real at that point and was relieved it was all a dream. I'm not certain if the dream means anything other than I am anxious right now about my own health.

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RE:Nude in Dream

My most recent nude dream, I can't recall the circumstances, but I started sitting in a booth that had a TV, PS2 and for it, a copy of one of my favorite games of all time, Stuntman. As I had no idea what I was doing there, I decided to kill some time playing Stuntman. At some point, some semi black lady comes in and notices that I'm apparently naked. I looked down and came to the same realization, but noticed that she didn't care. I asked why, to which she responded "Is that comfortable for you?" I went on to justify why I said yes. As such, she allowed me to stay naked for the duration of what we were doing in the booth. I suppose that it was a voice booth as I am a voice actor in training.

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