Sep 21, 22 &23 Day Hikes (possbily done nude)

A guy I met on this site is coming to the area to visit from back East and we are doing some day hikes at the following locations, and have one or two seats left in the car, if there are other people who would like to come along. Here are the particulars....You need to be in good enough shape to complete the hikes with little problem. I happen to be partially blind and have only just reached remission from leukemia two months ago, but I am still in better shape than the average person of my age. Still we planned accordingly and with care, if you are in shape yu shoudl be able to complete any of the hikes.
We have limited space in the car. Saying you wish to go doe snto guarantee you a seat unless there is another willihng driver who has more seats available
You need to be responsible for your own food costs, and be willing to contribute towards gas and or parking. (some parking is covered by permits that we already have, but we may encounter unexpected fees).Wear shoes with good treads. Bring water and any snacks you may want on the trail. We would be meeting at my apartment in East Portland near 162nd & Glisan (also near, E 162nd Ave MAX stop) and with a tentative departure of 8:30 AM. The exact address and a phone number will be given in an email when your seat is confirmed. Please come already having had your breakfast. And BE PUNCTUAL. We wont' likely wait for people who are late.
We are unsure if conditions will permit the hikes to be done nude most or part of the way or not. If some sections are done nude do not take photos of others who are nude without their permission. Whether or not a hike is nude depends on crowds, trail conditions and whether or not clothing is warranted for safety and the weather conditions we may encounter. WE hope conditions will allow it, but we are not sure one way or the other. These re new hikes for us, and we have nto hiked these trails before.
Here is the planned schedule and available seats at the time of my posting this.
Friday Hike Silver Falls (10 falls trail). With a possible stop at Sauvie,
Rooster or Brattlebush after. (2 seats available) This hike will be about 6-10 hiles with and elevation gain of about 400 feet and take 2-5 hour dependign on pace and trail choices. We are leaning towards the longer trail loop that covers ten falls.. Moderate level.

Saturday Hike Coopers Spur, and possibly stop at Rooster Rock after. (2 seats available) This hike id 6-7 miles and has an elevation gain of 2,200 feet, but starts at about a 5,000 elevation. It is a a more difficult hike for a person in good shape already. This hike will probably be too cold to do nude as th elevation would be much cooler. Bring alternative warmer clothing for this hike.

Sunday- Hiking at Cape Lookout or Harts Cover (or both) Possible stop at
nudist place on way back to be determined. (only 1 seat available). Because additional internet serching seems to have found no nude places conveniently nearby, we will, if crowds permit do at least part of them nude. The plan will be to do one, stop for lunch in between and then do the other and stop to eat on the way home. While the other hikes will likely nly have one food stop this one will likely have two, so bring enough money for that. The hikes are five and five and a half miles. Due to limited daylight, hour we probably wont' have a chance to stop at a regular clothing optional spot on the way home, but if we do have time, we will try. One hike had a 600 foot elevation gain and the other 1500 foot elevation gain. Expect one hike to be 3 hours and the other to be 4 hours. We may opt to just do one hike and head back to catch the late daylight at a clothing t optional spot Both hikes are considered to be moderate. Because we will be near the coast you may want to bring warmer alternative clothing in case it is a great deal cooler for these hikes.
If you plan to bring a dog, you should also plan on taking your own car and let me know if you have additional seating. Don't offer to drive unless you are 100% committed. I do not want to end up with more people than we have seats for, and I will let people in this TN group know who flaked out on us if that happens.
If you are interested in going, on one or more of these day hikes send me an email to Serious interest only please. Your reply should include you r name and a contact phone number . A note that says I am definitely interested will get priority over one that says I might be interested. I will also try to check responses I might get here on TN, but emailing me direct is better.You don't have a seat for the carpool, until you get a confirmation back that you do. I usually check emails once a day usually in the morning hours. I will try to remember to update the available seats s they fill up, or as additional seats may become available. I will keep a waiting list if needed, but only for those who supply a name and a contact phone number.

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