Does being a nudist deminish attraction?
For us married folk who enjoy the nudist lifestyle regularly at home. Do you feel less attracted to your partner who you see nude on a regular basis?
I pose this question after having multiple conversations about the role of sexual attraction in the nudist community. While I agree that nudism and sex are two separate things and you can have interaction with other nude people with no sexual intent, attraction or reaction. What about with your spouse or significant other? Does your seeing them nude constantly in non sexual, day to day life, diminish your sexual attraction to them?
Absolutely NOT! Ask my wife ... I get excited seeing her naked body each and every minute of every day. I don't ALWAYS become arouse but she still excites me after 39+ years of marriage and being together for over 43 years.Two doctors, both female, one is our primary MD, the other is our dermatologist, have stated a few times that "it's such a relief to talk with couples that know so much about one another, one another's health and one another's bodies. My wife gets check twice a year by the dermatologist ... full body, every nook and cranny. The dermatologist will ask me ... "have you seen this mole before?" It can be in the most personal of spots but she knows that we know all there is to know of each other. Our primary MD will ask personal questions and likes getting answers by both of us ... honest, upfront answers to personal questions.All we have to do is give each other the look, the touch, the signal and our mood changes from everyday, every minute nudity, into sexual nudity and being naked all the time doesn't, hasn't and won't change that. ;-)
Nope. It's easy to separate sex and nudism....except when it is my wife I am seeing or being nude with. Nude with anyone else has no sex involved and never will. With here though...when there is sex, there is nudeness. When we are nude....there isn't always sex, but there is usually some affection (not always) between us. Sometimes we are just nude, but every time I look at her nude or think of her being nude I feel a warmth run through me. That doesn't happen with anyone else.
She is not socially nude with me, which means I am not all that socially nude either. Nothing planned anyway. The only times we've been nude with other people has been in Strawberry Park Hot Springs in Steamboat, CO. We went with friends, but spent a lot of the time with just the two of us. WHile there still was no sex or anything like it involved, we were lost together and sort of forgot about the 20 or so people around. Granted, it was fairly dark.
I have not been to a nude beach (been nude on an isolated beach, but not at a nude beach) and don't think I would have any problems...unless my wife was there too. The only time I'd worry about not being able to keep myself "calm" would be if I was with her and looked at her.
So, to re-itterate my initial answer....nope, does not diminish at all. My wife is in a different category to everyone else on Earth.
In our experience it has had just the opposite effect. Being a nudist builds confidence and nothing is sexier than confidence.
We agree; being nudists is freedom and being more sexy and erotic. There is always a conected sexual energy coming and going among nudists that buiilts confidence and encourages nudists to be themselves.
If anything, the reverse is true. The first time I saw my wife nude I was 18 and she was 17. Today we are 50 years down the road and I have never found her more attractive than I find her today. Strangely enough, I have never felt closer to her than when we are both nude in the company of others.
If anything, the reverse is true. The first time I saw my wife nude I was 18 and she was 17. Today we are 50 years down the road and I have never found her more attractive than I find her today. Strangely enough, I have never felt closer to her than when we are both nude in the company of others.
I agree!
Definitely not. I still get excited over seeing her nude and we give each other at least one "naked hug" every day. I guess you guys have experienced it too but as we have gotten older she will sometimes ask if I still find her sexy or attractive. It's not low self esteem. I think it just natural for all of us especially women. When she asks, I remind her that our naked hugs routinely result in my arousal even though I know sex isn't in order at the time. She smiles and goes about her way. After 26+ years of marriage, about 30 years together, scars, sagging, weight gains and losses we are still very attracted to each other physically. It's not about what our eyes see. It's what our hearts see. When I look at her I still see the 20ish girl I met so many years ago and OMG her wrangler butt was/is still a wonderful sight. lol
This is a interesting topic. I wondered the same thing. In fact I am new to nudism so we have not been socially nude. But my worry is that I will see my wife naked in a socially nude situation and get an erection just because I am so into her. I am not worried about other people.