RE: The Constitution of the United States

Snakes can still bite (and inject venom) after the head is cut off...But, we can still understand the reference. A lack of head doesn't necessarily mean lack of danger, though.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

What the hell is a "cooter" other than an obscene synonym for vagina? We are in serious "Honey Boo Boo" land here.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

What the hell is a "cooter" other than an obscene synonym for vagina? We are in serious "Honey Boo Boo" land here.LOL...Sorry, Soupie, I had to laugh at that. It's a kind of turtle. The way my mind works, I just got a mental image of a vagina biting someone...Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "snatch".

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

...., I just got a mental image of a vagina biting someone...Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "snatch".Never read "Tommyknockers", huh?

I have, but it's been a while.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

...I was bringing this up because of the coincidence part. There were several protests going on at that time in places, and these alone couldn't be coincidence. On the same note, what happened in Libya may have been connected to the film. It is possible, so I can't rule it out. There's also that animosity over the US involvement, which is why I had also brought up the possibility of former Libyan govt/sympathizers/extremists in another post.
Dj, Yeah,
i think that what we are going to find out is that "Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb" planned and executed the attack on 9/11/12 in Libya. There are reports that there were no protests at 8:30 pm, and 15 minutes later, they were under siege in a coordinated way.
I'm not sure about Egypt, but am inclined to believe there was AQ involvement there as well.
The protests a couple of days later in-what-46 or so places? , was probably inspired by the video, after the Obama administration played it up.
May or may not be. Al Qaeda may be behind it (especially if the vid acted as yet more fuel to a fire), or may not be. I haven't seen anything yet telling for sure, so I can't make assumptions yet. Motives can be tricky, and not necessarily black and white. The article linked above is one I found right off.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

I have, but it's been a while.
Me too-years but as I recall (and the details are sketchy),


Sorry, but I hate when the end is revealed.

At the end, as I recall, the woman who was digging up the object in her yard ended up somehow transforming, and a visitor-maybe a Sheriff's deputy and the woman's friend??--came to check on her and she grabbed him with tentacles from her.....coooter. I seem to remember being disappointed with the ending. And, they may have changed it when they did the movie. They must have, otherwise it would be a famous viral video by now.
It's been a while since I've seen the movie, too. A friend of mine made a painting of a nude woman and had nails (real ones, sticking out of the canvas) bent inward around the vagina, reminded me of that.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

The notion that Obama "played up" the video is so inane. It wasn't even mentioned until the riots started and that was only to make the statement that the views expressed in the film were not those of America. Except for Bruce.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

Over 300 million people live under the US Constitution but very few people really know or understand its true meaning. Even some members of Congress are completely ignorant of what is contained in this document. Actually the Constitution is not so much a set of rules of what people can do, but is a set of rules of what the government CAN NOTdo. Today people are attacking this document as being out dated and not right for our times. Islamists are saying that a much older doctrine, Sharia law, should replace it entirely. Others are pushing for the laws of the United Nations to over rule the Constitution. These Constitutional detractors are becoming relentless in their efforts and if they are successfulthe only out come will be total anarchy.Therefore it is up us, We the People, to protect and defend the Constitution from these evil forces. We can best do that by studying the Constitution and learning the true meaning of what it says and what it means. I believe that any person, regardless of nationality, would be willing to defend the ideals of the Constitution, if they truly understood the document.Ah the Constitution, the document that was created by slave holding white male property owners who had no problem committing genocide.

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RE: The Constitution of the United States

It didn't seem to hurt Bush when it actually happened on American soil. And there was plenty to cover up there. Including the six months of intelligence warnings that were ignored.

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