Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

Hi, So I 've just joined and was initially really excited to find this site.
As i've read through more and more forum posts my stomach is dropping. Some people seem pretty casual and others seem to see inappropriateness lurking behind many comments or ideas. :(
Its got me wondering if nudism in groups is right for me after all. I really want to experience the lifestyle.
Not though if there is judgment.
What do you think?

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

Like any site, you will find a wide range of beliefs and attitudes. Conservatives and liberals. The older ones tend to be very conservative. That's just natural.

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

Resorts, beaches, national cultures, and social groups differ in tone. Perhaps most of the members of the site, and many posters, have limited or no experience of social nudity themselves. Among people who are present with each other and have real opportunities to interact, understandings are easier to reach than they are in text. Actual social nudity is not nearly as fraught as some of these discussions are - don't be put off.

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

Definition of NUDISM: the practice of going nude especially in sexually mixed groups and during periods of time spent at specially secluded places.
Ref: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nudism

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

Resorts, beaches, national cultures, and social groups differ in tone. Perhaps most of the members of the site, and many posters, have limited or no experience of social nudity themselves. Among people who are present with each other and have real opportunities to interact, understandings are easier to reach than they are in text. Actual social nudity is not nearly as fraught as some of these discussions are - don't be put off.Thank You :D

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

I have learned that it is necessary to be happy, learning of the opinions of the others but never accepting judgments of value and even ignoring them.Inside the nudism since inside many other "groups" it is of everything, very extremist people, people who isolates, people who isolates herself for yes mism...He listens, shares and does that one who makes you feel better and happy inside the nudism and remain with those users who you are worth it.
Before he was listening to the whole world, daily nudist was trying to do in my life or not what the rest was considering to be correct and forgot to enjoy ... I started going to a spa here in madrid (nudist, that I believe that already I have named at some time) and I did a grupito of friendship ... of this friendship ultimately I am remaining with the people who me is worth it like of the new people that I know and we happen in the evenings, mornings or ends of enviable weeks.
I have write so much jajaja
He aprendido que hay que ser feliz, aprendiendo de las opiniones de los dems pero nunca aceptando juicios de valor e incluso ignorndolos.Dentro del nudismo como dentro de muchos otros "grupos" hay de todo, gente muy extremista, gente que margina, gente que se margina por s mism@...Escucha, comparte y haz aquello que te haga sentir mejor y feliz dentro del nudismo y qudate con aquellos usuarios que te merecen la pena.
Antes escuchaba a todo el mundo, trataba de hacer en mi vida diario nudista o no lo que el resto consideraba correcto y me olvidaba de disfrutar...empec a ir a un spa aqu en madrid (nudista, que creo que ya he nombrado alguna vez) e hice un grupito de amistades...de esas amistades al final me voy quedando con la gente que me merece la pena igual que de la nueva gente que voy conociendo y pasamos tardes, maanas o fines de semanas envidiables.

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

I have learned that it is necessary to be happy, learning of the opinions of the others but never accepting judgments of value and even ignoring them.Inside the nudism since inside many other "groups" it is of everything, very extremist people, people who isolates, people who isolates herself for yes mism...He listens, shares and does that one who makes you feel better and happy inside the nudism and remain with those users who you are worth it.
Before he was listening to the whole world, daily nudist was trying to do in my life or not what the rest was considering to be correct and forgot to enjoy ... I started going to a spa here in madrid (nudist, that I believe that already I have named at some time) and I did a grupito of friendship ... of this friendship ultimately I am remaining with the people who me is worth it like of the new people that I know and we happen in the evenings, mornings or ends of enviable weeks.
I have write so much jajaja
He aprendido que hay que ser feliz, aprendiendo de las opiniones de los dems pero nunca aceptando juicios de valor e incluso ignorndolos.Dentro del nudismo como dentro de muchos otros "grupos" hay de todo, gente muy extremista, gente que margina, gente que se margina por s mism@...Escucha, comparte y haz aquello que te haga sentir mejor y feliz dentro del nudismo y qudate con aquellos usuarios que te merecen la pena.
Antes escuchaba a todo el mundo, trataba de hacer en mi vida diario nudista o no lo que el resto consideraba correcto y me olvidaba de disfrutar...empec a ir a un spa aqu en madrid (nudista, que creo que ya he nombrado alguna vez) e hice un grupito de amistades...de esas amistades al final me voy quedando con la gente que me merece la pena igual que de la nueva gente que voy conociendo y pasamos tardes, maanas o fines de semanas envidiables.

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

So basically be the grown up. Filter the rubbish... Take on boats what works for me and be happy.Love it peeps. Cheers. X

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

It would be a dull world if we all agreed on everything, wouldnt it?
Im sure that when this site was founded, it was meant as a place for nudists to comment and exchange ideas about nudism, chat about nudist locations, nudist activities and relate their own personal experiences. Now the site has grown very large and very diverse.
TT1 & TT2 have a very difficult job. There are only so many ways to describe the feeling of a warm breeze blowing over your bare skin, the feeling of water flowing over your skin, unencumbered by a piece of useless cloth and to express that it is not shameful to be seen without clothing, even in mixed company.
Then , after we all agree that the bathing suit or bathing costume is the worst invention to ever grace this planet, there is a void. Into that void rush those who have experienced social nudism for the first time or not at all. They begin to explain to the lifelong nudists what nudism is all about and how everyone must conduct themselves. They are, of course, quickly countered by the self styled experts on everything related to bare skin.
Their approach seems to be, "nudism my way or not at all". They seem to think that human sexuality exists only in the textile world, that it disappears with the removal of ones clothing. They dont seem to understand that a group of people in a clothing optional resort enjoying nude activity on a beach or poolis the very essence of nudism. Those nude people may not consider themselves nudists and they may go back to the privacy of their quarters and enjoy some naked non-nudist activities so we cant call them nudists. Is it any wonder that there are so few young nudists? They must be afraid that if they became nudists, they may be unable to consummate their marriage on their wedding night. Of course, there is the opposite extreme, those who dont understand why its unacceptable to walk around showing off an erection or those who express a fear of not being able to control themselves. If we planted the idea of an erection patrol with a cattle prod pointed at their genitals, Im sure that problem wouldnt come up.
Into the fray come those who would want us to believe that nudism is some sort religious experience rather than an enjoyable life style. They would tell us that if we feel more comfortable wearing something to bed at night that we must not be a true nudist. To them a nudist must be nude any time they are not subject to arrest or hypothermia and hypothermia is only an excuse if its life threatening.
Now, we come to the worst offenders; those that really dont care about nudism , but use every thread as a flame fest to present their extreme conservative or liberal political views. Many times these discussions break down to "you are too gay" or " you are not gay enough".
There is certainly a place in nudism for the gays and the swingers as well as those who would proclaim that "there is no sex in nudism", however, lets not give a distorted picture of the average nudist through these Forums. To those such as the OP. who may be disenchanted because of what you have read in the Forums, I can only say, "relax, take off your clothes, talk to some actual nudists and prepare to enjoy a wonderful lifestyle.

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

Why do you put "gays and swingers" in the same category?

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RE: Why are there so many differing views on acceptable nudism on here?

If one enjoys, to be nude, be it around home, at nudist beaches or nudist venues, it's a personal choice of the individual, as far one can be comfortable with it. One may keep thinking about being nude for some time, until thoughts become reality. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to accept the actual fact of being nude within ones own space for a length of time until feeling confident.

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