The bwatty widdle boy is thwowing tantwums again.Post #4 was uncalled for and hostile, but it was expected. The troll cannot allow me to make ONE post on any subject without injecting his juvenile nastiness into the thread. That is glaring evidence of his immaturity.
The above statement applies to you perfectly, NudeinMA.
Here's one older dude who loves to be with the older women at nudist functions. Yes that youthful beauty has faded but there is an inner beauty that goes on forever. These women are showing the battle scars of a life well spent. As we old timers know and the youth has yet to understand, these battle scars are the result of raising the younger generation.
There is nothing new under the sun and we are being treated just like we treated our seniors, but of course we don't remember that. We remember that we mostly put up with these old people. They were not easy to tolerate but today things are a little bit easier. The young people have moved off, or maybe the seniors have moved but there is not the interaction that there once was. It seems like the only time seniors are needed is when the youth needs something from them.
Well all I can say to them is; it's your world and welcome to it. Did the older generation ruin it for the younger generation? No, the youth of the last generation ruined it for the youth of the new generation and it's the old people whowere alwayspicking up the pieces and trying to make it better for everyone.
I understand that the generation gap has existed since the time of Aristotle. As far as that goes, it probably went back to the cavemen. Some of us are looking back across the generation gap wondering why it was still there, knowing what we now know. And there are others looking forward across the gap not knowing why it is there. Is this just the "not me syndrome"? Tell the young that excessive smoking will kill them and they respond, "Not me." Would it help if they knew the person that was telling them this may be trying to live a few more years with someone else's lungs in their chest? I have lived my life by learning from the mistakes of others and not following their examples.
Age and time, we're unable to control. We all have lived and still live, Why do younger generations put us older individuals on the scrap heap of society? we can clearly see, that even within the nudist society, we as older individuals are not accepted, without even given a thought, of what length and pain it took for some of us to achieve to even get to the stage we are. There is a lot of age discrimination going on in many profiles, and why? what could be the reason for it? after all we should be equal, regardless of age, gender and race.In most cases, "you hug your babies, but them being grown, don't hug you".Any thoughts on to this?
I think it might have a lot to do with mortality (yes that isn't a typo, I don't mean morality). Younger generations will sometimes avoid the older because it reminds them that they are vinsible. Similarly to how some older people avoid creating a will for the irrational belief that it will somehow cause them to die.
Honestly I love the generations that came before me. I also don't want to force myself on others. I am well aware that I don't have a picture perfect body. I'm overweight, balding, and I'm ok with that. If people, either online or in real life, don't want to be my friend then I say good riddance.
Part of my theory is that generations don't always grow up in the same area anymore. I believe that being raised in a community that prescribed to the "it takes a village" gave me a better view of the people who came before.