Nudism or Pornography?

I have seen the topic that I expose later and everything opposite has seemed to me more than a favor to the nudism, and in addition with little that to see with the nudism ... what do you think? I would like to see your point of view because I do not have this very clear ... dista.html
A day of work for the therapist Sarah White begins with a visit to his site of Internet. It ignites the web cam and chat with his patients while the clothes are extracted little by little. The of New York one revolutionized the therapeutic world and it affirms that he or the patient " can use the power of excitation to gain more control on his lives ".

The young woman 24-year-old therapist assures that the aim of this practice is " to show to the patient that I do not have anything to hide and to encourage it to be more honest ". White, as it passes the session goes undressing his cloths up to remaining completely nake. The meetings include principally chats on sexual topics, traumas of the childhood and lack of autoesteem. The therapist, applies technologies of Freud's psychoanalysis, the psychotherapy and the behavioral therapy and affirms that his patients " simply look for the understanding and to feel valued ".

Between his patients they find some personalities, in the main they are men students or of medium age and someone that another woman who encourages to prove the experience. All of them are free to choose if the clothes want to be extracted or not.
Meanwhile, other specialists of The United States do not support the initiative of the therapist since they treat it as a " soft pornography ". Nevertheless, this technology is not any innovation since it was applied in the 70s by the specialist Bimdrim.

Bimdrim's meetings were consisting of chats grupales that lasted lasted between 24 and 36 hours where games were developing where the patients were adopting roles with traumatic experiences and exercises of tocamientos in the swimming pool. One of the most famous technologies that was using age it of making look at his patients of a fixed way the genitalia of his companions while they were speaking on the sexual experiences for those who were feeling more guilty.
The question is, the patients come to these practices really to solve his problems and mental traumas or it is only a new way of amusing itself?

Buenas, he visto el tema que expongo a continuacin y me ha parecido ms que un favor al nudismo todo lo contrario, y adems con poco que ver con el nudismo...qu opinis vosotros? Me gustara ver vuestro punto de vista porque no tengo muy claro esto.
Una jornada de trabajo para la terapeuta Sarah White comienza con una visita a su sitio de internet. Enciende la web cam y charla con sus pacientes mientras se saca la ropa poco a poco. La neoyorquina revolucion el mundo teraputico y afirma que l o la paciente pueden usar el poder de excitacin para ganar ms control sobre sus vidas.
La joven terapeuta de 24 aos asegura que el objetivo de esta prctica es mostrarle al paciente que no tengo nada para esconder y alentarlo a ser ms honesto. White, a medida que transcurre la sesin va despojndose de sus prendas de vestir hasta quedar completamente desnuda.
Las sesiones incluyen principalmente charlas sobre temas sexuales, traumas de la niez y falta de autoestima. La terapeuta, aplica tcnicas de psicoanlisis de Freud, la psicoterapia y la terapia conductual y afirma que sus pacientes simplemente buscan el entendimiento y el sentirse apreciados.
Entre sus pacientes se encuentran algunas personalidades, en su mayora son hombres estudiantes o de mediana edad y alguna que otra mujer que se anima a probar la experiencia. Todos ellos son libres de elegir si desean sacarse la ropa o no.
Mientras tanto, otros especialistas de Estados Unidos no apoyan la iniciativa de la terapeuta puesto que la tratan de pornografa blanda. Sin embargo, esta tcnica no es ninguna novedad ya que fue aplicada en los aos 70 por el especialista Bimdrim.
Las sesiones de Bimdrim consistan en charlas grupales que duraban duraban entre 24 y 36 horas donde se desarrollaban juegos donde los pacientes adoptaban roles con experiencias traumticas y ejercicios de tocamientos en la piscina. Una de las tcnicas ms famosas que utilizaba era la de hacer mirar a sus pacientes de manera fija los genitales de sus compaeros mientras hablaban sobre las experiencias sexuales por las que se sentan ms culpables.
La pregunta es, los pacientes acuden a estas prcticas realmente para solucionar sus problemas y traumas mentales o es slo una nueva forma de divertirse?

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