Rafael-Latino refers to non existent forum rules about anything other then 'simple topics' being allowed here. Yet he violates well established rules about trolling the forum by bombarding multiple topics with multiple posts in an effort to destroy topics and the people here. He has already driven Leitz away. he screams for compassion for his Russian friends in Communist China yet he says nothing about the atrocities in Ukraine. All he cares about is his Russian friends and obviously does not care that innocent civilians including women and children are being killed by Russian killers. Why does not not condemn this behavior? He further mocks Nudysta by telling him to go and send money to Ukraine when Nudysta is in Poland which is currently being flooded with Ukrainian refugees. Nudysta is right there where the war is at his front door. He is actively helping people. Yet, Rafael does nothing but make stupid comments about others who are dealing with this nightmare in real life. What is Rafael doing other then acting like a spoiled brat of a son or a rich Russian Oligarch who is enjoying life in Communist China at his country dacha provided in part by money stolen from the Russian people. He must really think that all people here are too stupid to understand what he is really about and also must think that the average Russian lives like a surf, peasant, and slave so that he can live a privileged lifestyle. How shameful!!!

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RE:Lifetime membership

You are have lost all perspective and have become a crazy stalker, man.

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RE:Lifetime membership

You are have lost all perspective and have become a crazy stalker, man.

Latino is clearly out of control as he continues his assault on TN. He posts to one topic after another. He reads the comments that have exposed him for who he really is and yet his only reply is a childish "OK' or '?'. It is beyond sad that he plays these games while innocent civilians are being killed in Ukraine. He has never condemned the killings or the Russian invasion. He can currently hide in Communist China but one day his luck will run out and he will be sent back to Russia where he will meet his fate.

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RE:Lifetime membership

How many IDs do you have, crazy stalker man?

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RE:Lifetime membership

You are have lost all perspective and have become a crazy stalker, man.Finally someone who understands how some people are not (emotionally) able to discuss about this kind of topics.

He is referring to YOU! YOU are the crazy stalker man who goes from one thread to another and does nothing but post either "OK" or "?" as only a troll would do.

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RE:Lifetime membership

You are have lost all perspective and have become a crazy stalker, man.Finally someone who understands how some people are not (emotionally) able to discuss about this kind of topics.He is referring to YOU! YOU are the crazy stalker man who goes from one thread to another and does nothing but post either "OK" or "?" as only a troll would do.Ok

So nice that you agree that you are a crazy stalker that acts like an attention seeking child and keeps playing games with your OK answers. Don't feed the trolls and they will eventually starve from lack of attention.

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RE:Lifetime membership

Uh, NO, Nudysta and SunLovr, I'm referring to YOU as the crazy stalker. Latino isn't finding all your posts and spamming the discussions, YOU are.

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RE:Lifetime membership

I will take your advice, though, and just flag you without further comment.

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RE:Lifetime membership

I will take your advice, though, and just flag you without further comment.

You can flag from now to eternity and this will change nothing. You obviously did not read anything that Rafael posted about members here being too stupid and immature to handle a serious discussion such as the war in Ukraine. We also noticed that your only contribution to this situation is to attack Nudysta, Irish, and myself. Have you nothing intelligent to say about Ukraine or about innocent civilians being killed? You obviously agree with Rafael that you are too immature and not intelligent enough to have anything productive or intelligent to say. Rafael is a Russian troll and you very well may be another and so there would be no doubt that you would stick up for another troll. Now go away and shut up if you have no compassion for Ukraine. You spit hate in our will get it back ten fold!

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RE:Lifetime membership

I will take your advice, though, and just flag you without further comment.Sure, better to follow my advice and ignore them.


Seriously some here are so stupid as to not even know the definition of ignore.

Ignore: refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.

Reading posts and responding with "OK" is NOT ignoring. Shame that some don't even understand something that a first grader would know.

Russian troll training in Moscow is beyond poor. Sad that some don't even know what they are saying. Pathetic!

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