Summary of what Election 2012 brought us
Obviously, the biggie was 4 more years of Obama/Biden. Hopefully The President has learned something from this election and has found out more of what people want. Hopefully he will reach across the aisle and work with the Republicans.
Gay Marriage has 2 more states (Maine & Maryland)behind it, with another (Washington) still too close to call. Minnesota has rejected an ban on it! On a similar note...Tammy Baldwin, defeated, 4 time governor, Tommy Thompson for a US Senate Seat, becoming the 1st elected openly gay Senator.
Death penalty repeal lost in California.
GMO labeling lost in California...thats a real shame. Monsanto and chemical companies win on that one...while everyone else loses.
Assisted suicide in MA is too close to call, but supporters have conceded
Marijuana initiatives...2 States have approved it for recreational use...COMPLETELY LEGAL!! (Washington & Colorado), but failed in Oregon
An Abortion initiative failed in Florida It would have curbed abortion right rights.
This is just a small list of wins (and losses) depending on what side of the issue you were on...Please feel free to add to the list for your state..
Thanks for voting!
On this island, we are now represented in in the Senate by Congress's first Buddhist - Maizie Hirono - and in the house by its first Hindu, Tulsi Gabbard.
Gabbard's story is interesting. She's an Iraq war veteran. She's of Samoan, not Indian descent; her mother was and is a devout Hindu convert. Her father is a politician who led Hawaii's anti-gay-marriage fight a few years ago. Tulsi says she had an epiphany on social issues while she was stationed in Kuwait. There, she saw a government with free rein to regulate social behavior on religious grounds, and she found it repugnant. She came to feel that the analogous thing should not be done back in the US, and now favors the social initiatives her father has opposed. (They still get along, and he supported her in her run for Congress.)
Yes, and then ran against Republican Linda Lingle for governor, and (deservedly) lost. She's been in the House since then. Hawaii voters, myself among them, were not about to risk Republican control of the Senate, so we have Senator Hirono, weak campaign aside.
If the Senate were to go with simple majority, it would force compromise - a word lost from our recent past.
Obama has been given a second chance to prove his policies are really working. We will see if his speech last night was sincere or just a bunch of rhetoric. For our sake, I hope it is the former.
We are stuck in Canada. With the conservatives holding a majority in parliament, there is no bill that they can't shove through. And they are doing it in huge chunks with omnibus bills. And they are destroying the very fabric of the country. They spent 28 million to celebrate the British win in the war of 1812, meanwhile cutting the budget for aboriginals in the same amount.
It would seem that the newly enacted restrictions on voter registration and voting - changed deadlines, document handling rules, ID requirements - have had the effect some hoped for and some feared, to discourage eligible voters from voting, and particularly, eligible voters who would have voted Democratic, among them students and the poor, who have the most difficulty meeting the new requirements.
The flood of post-citizens-united money into unregulated negative ads has doubtless also discouraged voters.
Low turnout is a victory for no one.
I read some interesting figures on some exit polls. Three groups represented 26% of the people polled. They were Blacks who voted 93% for Obama and 6% for Romney; Latinos who voted 71% for Obama and 27% for Romney; and Asians who voted 73% for Obama and 26% for Romney.
From this it would appear that racism is indeed alive, welland thriving in the United States.
This article did not report the breakdown for the other 74% of the people polled. It would be interesting to know this.
The white population of the United States has not voted for a Democratic candidate for president since 1964, the year the Civil Rights act was passed. Yes, racism is alive in the US. I would suggest it's our own humble demographic which is playing offense in the game, however. At the very least, we are in no position to throw accusations at others when our own pattern is so plain.