I read some interesting figures on some exit polls. Three groups represented 26% of the people polled. They were Blacks who voted 93% for Obama and 6% for Romney; Latinos who voted 71% for Obama and 27% for Romney; and Asians who voted 73% for Obama and 26% for Romney. From this it would appear that racism is indeed alive, welland thriving in the United States.This article did not report the breakdown for the other 74% of the people polled. It would be interesting to know this.
So an Asian voting for a black guy over a right guy is racist?
I read some interesting figures on some exit polls. Three groups represented 26% of the people polled. They were Blacks who voted 93% for Obama and 6% for Romney; Latinos who voted 71% for Obama and 27% for Romney; and Asians who voted 73% for Obama and 26% for Romney. From this it would appear that racism is indeed alive, welland thriving in the United States.
OR...they just thought the other guy was a douche
So I just searched TN for Puerto Rico - it's conveniently listed as a separate country in the search engine. Hi, guys. What do you think about becoming a state, now that the statehood alternative has won a popular vote? The US has for many decades been telling Puerto Rico it can determine its own destiny - join, go independent, or stay "associated." Do you think Congress will honor that, by admitting Puerto Rico as a state? Will the Puerto Rican government actually apply?
Chris Christie won't win dog catcher with the Republican party. He shot himself in the foot with the Obama Bruce Springstein love fest. 39 percent of whites voted for Obama. As far as women voting with or for their vagina like some moron from canada said. Obama got 93 percent of blacks and 70 some percent of Latinos. Who are the vast majority of unwed mothers? That might be the reason for 16 percent higher of the women vote don't you think? As long as the main stream media supports the Democrats in this country Republicans don't stand a chance. As long as Republicans stand for conservative social issues they will be fighting an uphill battle. It's not 47 percent like Romney said it is closer to 50 percent of the people pay no taxes so a Democrat has to win like 1 or 2 percent and they are a shoe in. 10 of the 12 richest counties in the US voted for Obama. The Democrats are the party of the average people then you tell me why 10 out of 12 richest counties voted Democrat? I didn't care for Romney and Obama has no clue.