RE: Nude before room service boy

Thanks for this perspective....I will reflect more on this.
Till now, my experience is Room boys are used to see guest naked, and some say that they feel good because to them the message is - The guest feels comfortable in their presence.
sometimes, boys wanted to spend some nude stint in my room...some said they felt sexual...once one saw me nude and found me doing nude painting. he said - you are an artist...and artists are different from others...
recently, in place we were in group and all were nude in room. The service guy wanted to know more deeply.
That does not mean that there will be no one who will dislike me being nude in room.
So, i totally respect what em1dub expressed, thanks once again for this alternate view.

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RE: Nude before room service boy

the responses i got are mostly like these -

1. I dont have problem if you are nude
2. It shows that you are comfortable and enjoying the stay.
3. YOu are so free that I too feel easy with you
4. we room boys do sleep nude in room, at summer
5. I want to stay nude, but cant have space and liberty to do so..
6. Seeing you nude, i feel excited...and cant concentrate on work.
7. are you an artist...i mean painter or so....they are like that
8. First i though u r foreigner. they are nude very casually...but never seen any indian doing this.

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RE: Nude before room service boy

the responses i got are mostly like these -1. I dont have problem if you are nude8. First i though u r foreigner. they are nude very casually...but never seen any indian doing this.

An interesting variety of positive responses.

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