
lots of great locations in our country, recent broken hill trip, Meadow Glen, west of Cobar, arrive early for good spot, not nudist spot but were nude in van.Broken hill,yet to find out where people go nude?We camped at Penrose park at silverton and travelled into broken hill of a day, penrose ok, not 4 star but a few cathead prickles around, dont forget the sandles, but showers were clean and ifmu wish to take plenty of time around Silverton ,good spotBroken hill to midura, there is a nice spot half way but not nudist spot, could camp over night but also about 65 klms before Mildura, a river where u can swing off road and make camp up river, Can get nude but have to be watchfull or as usual not to offend.I suppose there are lot so fareas u can go nude but then u might find another nude camper but always a spot in the bush but i prefer company. ALSO Maccas beach at Narrendra but i never found it!! Also coming up from NARRENDRA to west wyalong there is a place called Mirrool, a pub and a silo ,they have constructed and nice clean shower and toilets, just a gold coin donation if used, free camping next to pub ,no power, but nice people in pub and great pizza

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RE: locations

Thanks, mate. it's good to identify spot for others to check out. let's hope the rest of us keep doing it.

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RE: locations

have the app so I'll keep my eyes open and also look for suggestions

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RE: locations

I have found some good accommodation places that say they are clothing optional. Look on www.youcamp.com. It covers places all over Australia. There is an option you can click to refine the search to show the Clothing Optional places.It can be a bit tricky to use but once you get the hang of it, you will find places where nudists are welcome.After you open the web site select Explore Properties.Then on the right of the screen in an aqua colour panel select the words More Categories.Look under the heading Accessibility there is an option to filter by Clothing Optional. Roll up the screen and click Search Again panel to bring up about 30 places that welcome nudists.Thanks mate, have used this site with good results

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RE: locations

Any updates on this topic? Looking to plan some trips and after some places to go and the best times of year. SBN.

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