A different kind of poliltical ad.

I was really struck by this I-think-admirable ad, from my hometown newspaper, which appeared Nov 1. What's your take on the problem it addresses? (An oddity of local apportionment is that two representatives are elected to represent each district.) The paper has no internet presence, so I have transcribed the ad. It's no secret - message me or look it up if you must know - but I've redacted the name of the party mentioned, in hopes that we can talk about the issue without simply lining up for and agin' on party lines.
The people of Greenbrier County and the rest of the 42nd District deserve an apology.
On Tuesday many of you received a mailer that attacked the two [party] nominees in this House of Delegates race. It did not come from my campaign, and, due to a state law that strictly prohibits coordination between candidates and independent political action committess, I was completely unaware of the attack until the mailer was in mailboxes across the district.
I do not approve of this attack, and I think that this kind of negative campaign tactic is detrimental to the interest of the entire 42nd District. I have served in the legislature for twelve years, and I know how important it is for the members of a delegation to work together on behalf of their district. I have seen first hand what happens when personal rivalries, sometimes even within the same party, divide delegations. When delegations are divided, districts suffer.
For this reason I have worked to maintain a positive race, with the understanding that two of us will have to work together on your behalf at the State Capitol. It is very regrettable that outside groups with no connection to any of us may imply that they speak for us even when they do so without our knowledge and without our approval.
Unfortunately, I now expect more of this kind of thing from outside groups on both sides throughout the remainder of the campaign cycle. I hope that the voters of the 42nd district will ignore the noise and instead evaluate each one of us on his merits.
I think we all deserve an apology from the outside groups who pretend to speak for us and who campaign under the pretense that their interests are ours. Sadly, I doubt that such an apology is forthcoming.
Ray Canterbury
Candidate for re-election to the West Virginia House of Delegates, 42nd District

Paid for by The Committee to Elect Canterbury, Denny Canterbury, Treasurer.

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RE: A different kind of poliltical ad.

This is a problem with political action committees (PAC's). They are, in the main, very helpful in the election process. But according to the first amendment, they have every right to say anything they please. Unfortunately politicians, who are considered public figures, have no legal redress for countering false and malicious statements. The PAC's are free to say whatever they please about any candidate. Their only restriction is that they can not in any way be associated with the candidate they are supporting. I know of only one instance where there was a purported connection between a politician's staff and a PAC and that is now being investigated. Because of this connection the politician stands a chance of being removed from office, fined and possibly jailed.
Politics is a dirty business and this is one reason so few outstanding individuals run for public office.

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RE: A different kind of poliltical ad.

That was a problem Teddy Roosevelt complained about - goes back a long way! I agree about the PACs. Perhaps a new aspect of the problem is the ease of confusion between PAC info and info coming from the candidate - you have to be good with looking at the fine print to catch the difference.

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