Interested in going to Common Grounds or Hot Springs for winter nude activities?

During the winter months, there is not much in the line of nude recreation in our area. Also, nude recreation for me is more enjoyable if there is somebody else to talk to.
So, I thought, "i'd like to visit Common Grounds clothing optional baths (Jacuzzi and sauna) here in Portland or it might be nice to go check out a hot springs area." I just don't want to go by myself. Then i thought that other people may also want to do that kind of thing during these cold winter months and so, if you are interested in doing that kind of thing, but don't want to go by yourself, or just want to meet some new nudists friends to do things with, add a comment onto this post, saying what you want to dot. so those interested in doing stuff can all find others to go with.
I myself happen to be partially blind, and don't drive, so although I could take transit to meet at Common Grounds, I'd have to catch a ride out to a hot springs area. I'd of course expect to kick in for gas. I also hve an annual Oregon State Parks parking permit (bought to use during the beach season at Rooster Rock and good until the end of Oct. 2013)), which is good at all Oregon State parks that charge for parking.

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RE: Interested in going to Common Grounds or Hot Springs for winter nude activities?

Common Grounds sounds very nice. It will be fun to have a company to go there especially during the winter. I will prefer Monday night. If anyone wants to go there on Monday night, and let me know and I can meet you there. Thanks.

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