Carolina Winter Holiday Party & Forthcoming

People from the South Carolina Low Country as well as the Midlands & NC gathered to celebrate Travelites' annual Winter Holiday Party. The day was great. We all got to spend time relaxing outdoors and also enjoying the hot tub. The food was fantastic. The lasagna, the eggplant parmesan, garlic bread, tossed mixed salad, ice cream, and brownies were YUMMY.
The grab bag was fun with mostly practical gifts and a few extravagant. As usual, it was difficult saying good night, but there are lots of super events in the future.
12/22/12 - Doomsday Survivor Party, Hopkins, SC begins after 3:30. The menu includes a chili plus the members decided to also have peanut butter with or without jelly/preserves/jam and if attendees would like pizza, they will bring it. RSVPs by 12/24 please
12/31/12 - Dinner at Bonefish Grill, Forest Dr., Columbia, SC and return to Hopkins to bring in 2013 in the hot tub sipping champagne or sparkling grape juice. We need to know by 12/15 if you'll be joining us so that reservations can be adjusted for you.
1/12/13 - First hot tub party of the New Year
1/26/13 - Oyster Roast
2/9/13 - Mardi Gras
2/16/13 - Valentines' Party
2/13/13 - Winter Gathering
3/2 - East Coast Chili Cookoff, Serendipity, Cleveland, GA

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