RE: Single Males, the victims of perversion!

Wilgolden, you have a problem. There are women who go with guys that are fat, bald, handicap. It seems you need councling for your problem.

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RE: Single males

So answer these questions bman?

Why doesnt a woman want to talk to a guy? I understand if a guy is bothering her, she can either ignore him or cancel their friendship. But why is it okay to say Im not looking for single guys?

You were asking what would a guy get by posting as a woman? Any guy who posts as a woman or a couple will get more friends. That is my point. There are guys who want to network and will be rejected by a significant number of members here for no reason other than that he is a guy and he doesnt have a wife or girlfriend.

As for your point about guys who are collecting female friendswhat are they doing that is so different from anyone man, woman, or couple who says Im looking for couples or females. Both of them are being selective with their friends. So if one is wrong, so is the other. And my opinion is that those guys who are just looking for female friends at least have a better reason for being selective than nudists who reject single men. The first case is being selective because of sexual attraction. The second one is being selective because of prejudice.


What Im hearing from your response is that nudist clubs cannot accept everybody whos interested because they will have too many men. If thats the natural demographic of nudism, whose fault is that? Is it anybodys fault?

Not all women have a problem seeing too many men. Just like in the textile world, beautiful women get stared at all the time. Some like it, some hate it, some dont caretheyre not all the same. Wheres the sense in banning the majority of those who are interested in something because a small number of people will feel uncomfortable? Some people are uncomfortable around blacks. Should they be banned as well?

What about ballet clubs? If they allowed anybody to join, youd have mostly girls and boys would be afraid to join because theyd be afraid of getting laughed at or mocked by classmates. Why dont the clubs just ban girls from dancing unless they have a partner? Because its not their fault that people mock boys who like dancing. And its not the fault of all single guys if some of them are perverted. In this day and age, normal clubs ban people according to their conduct, not based on attributes.

To me, this sounds like club owners are rejecting a natural demographic in favour of a desired one, which makes me wonder who the real gawkers are.

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RE: Single males

One more thing.
You really want to understand what goes thru a womens mind in that situation?
Assuming you are straight , try going to a gay club .
I bet you that within 15 minutes you will run out , go home , get in bed and cry yourself to sleep.
Then let me know what is your opinion about women and their ( rightfully) selective behavior!

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RE: Single males

Please see my posts #17, 18, and 19. ( before I knew how to combine them )
There are single females, and couples, in my friends list who have VERY clearly stated on their profiles "no single men"
How did this happen ?
Simply because they've gotten to know *me* as me, not as a part of the mob.
Somewhere on these forum, in one of the MANY threads about single men, I've got a post about how the poor woman being
bombarded by the "single men" friend requests doesn't have time to figure out who's decent, and who's a perv, so we
( the real and decent single men ) are tossed out with the bathwater en-mass. It's not her fault !! ( or theirs, if a couple )
The resorts have the same problems. Some choose an extremist way to deal with it. Others are more reasonable.
My point is that I strive to be judged by MY conduct, and overcome the prejudice. Not too difficult, really, though I do
resent that I HAVE to. Such is life.........

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RE: Single males

Curt, thanks for responding. I agree with some of what you said.
The beauty of this situation, though, is that the woman or couple does not need to sort out who's good or bad. A bad guy will present himself through his actions. Sure, its more work to give every guy a chance and then reject the ones who do something bad, but it's the right thing to do. There's no physical danger here.
I agree that resorts cannot determine in advance which man is good or bad. But the fact is they cannot do so with women either. If a woman behaves inappropriately, they will kick her out. But before she behaved inappropriately, nobody rejected her because of what she might do. It's not asking too much to treat everybody the same way.
Furthermore, I don't understand why a woman is suffering so much if she's receiving too many friend requests. Whichever guy has the wrong reasons for approaching her ismostly hurting himself by making himself appear shallow. I imagine how I would feel if countless women befriended me online for no reason other than my body. Is it shallow? Yes. Does it upset me? Personally, no. I can respect anybody who feels annoyed by it, but I would not call it hurtful.Can it be as bad, orworse than, being labelled negatively by a large groupbecause of the actions of someone else. I would take shallow attention from women any day before rejection due to stereotype.
WhatI'm seeing here is thatreceiving too many friend requests is such a horrendous experience that any reaction is forgivable, if not justified, including stereotype and selective communication. This is a notion that I disagree with.I believe that any man or woman who resorts to generalization has no more depth than the same guys they're criticizing for being pervs.

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RE: Single males

Dear friend.
It seems to me (and I might misunderstand) that you have seen my response as a personal attack on you.
If so, forgive me , that was not my intention.( I guess this is the place to mention English is not my first language, I am not just a bad speller )
You seem like a very intelligent young man who has a very noble concept of how the world should be and for now you are well in the range of exception (for the good)
However , there are some facts that I wish I was wrong about them but ungratefully I am probably not.
In a perfect world, you might have been right.
In this world, if you want to break a stereotype, you have to work very hard for it.
Therefore ( and again generalizing)I have some fact for you:
Most creeps are men.
Usually when a women is surrounded by men she will be intimidated in some level.
Usually in any group of men , one of them (or more) will think how to make a move
Private club is a private club.
Young men in your age ARE HORMONAL AND HORNEY.
In a gay club , they would treat you like a fresh meet!(and thats what I ment before)
In a gay club YOU WOULD scream dont talk to me or you will leave.
Most of the single guys here specially at your age come here for a totally other reason than nudism.
And again , generalizing : ***If men were judged according to their conduct and not gender, we wouldnt be having this conversation.***
our ( men in general ) conduct is exactly why we are having this conversation!
My advice to you:
Keep it up ( your conduct so far) and you will be a very popular guy here in the forum , dont mistake disagreement with your opinion for a rejection.
Post a bit about yourself in your profile and put some pics ( preferably , get certify )
For now , even though I am not the judge here , nor the welcome comity , I think that youll do just fine.
With all honesty I welcome you to TN
Ah yes , get out of the mens room , youll find the womens responses much more interesting then mine

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RE: Single males

*** Up to now, I have not violated any of the rules on this site and I have already made friends. But a large number of people are saying, no single men.***
Ignore that!
Its a logical preventive measure.( not accepting men at all )
I know you cant understand the logic behind that , in a month here you will.
Within a few days a new perv will show his face here and then much of the bizarre will be logical to you.

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RE: Single males

Jen notty notty
This is the mens room.
Kidding. thanks for your much needed point of view.

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RE: Single males

Jen notty nottyThis is the mens room.Kidding. thanks for your much needed point of view.Bman.

Oops! Sorry guys...Knock, knock!


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RE: Single males

Males - 21,822 (87%),Females - 1679 (just under 7%), Couples - 1535 (just over 6%).

Males to females, about 15 to 1, or almost exactly the same as most dating sites.
Coincidence ?

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