I love geocaching!

I love geocaching. It's amazing in every way. Also, I have to say I love being a nudist and this group is just goes to show two great interests can be combined. How many people here have actually found a cache nude?

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Caching nude

Yes, we have had several naked caching times. One cache here in FLA is
designed to be done nude on private property. 2000th, 3000th and now
4000th finds have all been done naked. It will be the only way to do
milestone caches from now on. Have you two done any naked caching?

One of the nice places caching brings you to. Luckily no gators today.

Can you see the cache?

Maybe it's behind the trees

Searching, always better when naked

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RE: Caching nude

Whats the GC code for the ones that's meant to be done nude? We haven't done any nude yet because most of them have been in fairly public places. We are close to Francis Marion National Forest so we are planning on getting a GPS for those and to try them out.

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GC #

GC18RR9 is for the naked cache. Let us know if you ever get this way.

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RE: Caching nude

Just checked out the forest close to you and not many caches there. Luckily there are a lot of caches around us and many are in wooded areas that get few people. Especially during the week. That gives us chances to get out and get naked caching done.

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RE: GC #

GC18RR9 is for the naked cache. Let us know if you ever get this way.That cache has been on my watch list for some time now. I wish time and finances would coordinate so I could make a trip to FL for some warm winter caching and beach activity.

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