It's about to get busy

In our area of the world it will soon be time to start germinating seeds indoors for early spring planting and colour. How quickly time passes these days :-)
Why not post your planting schedule and tell everyone what region you're in.

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RE: It's about to get busy

We are half way around the wold from you (just north of San Francisco, Calif.) and it's cold and rainy and there will be
some frost, but your right it's time to start planing for the spring garden. Getting compost on the on the garden
when the weather permits and getting seeds started peas, mustard and salad greens. And if I get a hot house built
we can get a jump on the season and maybe get some naturist gardening doing it.
Nate & Natalie Gardener

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RE: It's about to get busy

I live in southwestern Oregon about thirty miles in from the coast but only 70 feet above sea level. I am lucky enough to have a greenhouse to work in trough the colder weather. I am getting ready to start some of the cool weather plants like lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower. I will be growing these on in cold frames once big enough to move out.

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RE: It's about to get busy

I live in Northern Vermont, and this morning it is 10 above, Brrr...ive been thinking about my gardens and what i will do this spring.. alot more herbs, and enlarging quite a few of my flower beds, many of the flowers have matured and spread so i can this spring start to transfer some to other spaces.this year i have to work on adding alot more color. I have a wonderful neighbor who is a flower garden nut and she and i exchange, share and compare... its funny how different parts of the soil is from her lot to mine and we are very close neighbors, what doesnt really grow in hers does really nicely in mine. i cant wait to see the first sign of growth as it emerges from the frozen snowy ground.

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RE: It's about to get busy

Down here on the Gulf Coast we are planting seeds indoors to be ready for transplant in late Feb. Taters are seeded after the 2nd week in Feb while our greens are cranking til it gets hot. Happy growing and chowing down everyone!

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