Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

I am only asking because as limited as I am due to roomates, neighborhood, and location my ability to go nude is extremely limited. I am trying to see how others live and respectfully socialize so I may find something I can try in my own life and situation. I don't know any other nudists besides on here and would like to build a fellow nudist social circle on the site as well as local socialism for trust and friendship building as well.

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RE: Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

id go naked with u

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RE: Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

During the summer I get most of my Quote - ME TIME- UnQuote when I go sailing. Now that I live on my boat I get a lot more. :~). I justfound a great place for the winter. Its the largest Korean Style Spa in North America and is only about an hour away. I also found several CO Resorts that are single friendly if you are a member of AANR or TNS.They are about 2 hrs away so I only get there about once a month. If you are not an AANR or TNS member you should join if you are serious about the lifestyle. Once you get your feet wet you will find others in your area and develope friendships as you expand your circle of nude friends.The largest Nudist Friendy area in the US is in Pasco CountyFL which I think is not to far away from you. Look around you will be surprised thehow many of us are out there. Enjoy the Journey

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RE: Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

Can you find a spot on your roof? That worked for me in crowded San Francisco. If you have a yard, how about a privacy screen around an outdoor shower area - I've installed those for people; they can be as simple as an outscale folding screen.

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RE: Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

Im always thinking of where I can be nude to enjoy the freedom and sunshine. It warms my soul just thinking about nudism during the cold winter months up here in Canada.
Being a hunter opens a lot of opportunity for me to be naked on many parcels of land or wilderness.. and I think about it all the time, but its too cold during most fall seasons except spring turkey hunting, where I almost always shed my clothes to get some spring sun..
I think a lot of wild places I know of would be great for nude recreation but a bit lonely.. thats why I like going to a club or nude beach.. I like the social side of nudity, but dont mind sun bathing in the back yard or wilderness when time and travel are limited..
Best of luck :)

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RE: Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

I am only asking because as limited as I am due to roomates, neighborhood, and location my ability to go nude is extremely limited. I am trying to see how others live and respectfully socialize so I may find something I can try in my own life and situation. I don't know any other nudists besides on here and would like to build a fellow nudist social circle on the site as well as local socialism for trust and friendship building as well.we practice in our room, whole house when patents are away but we like it best when we at vacation.

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RE: Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

I live alone, so as soon as I walk into the house, I strip down until I have to get dressed again. Well I did this when I was married too. The majority of my nudity is at home. Not just in the house, but in my backyard in the summer or sitting on my front porch or driveway late at night. Also in the summer, when I'm not riding my motorcycle, I go almost everywhere nude. I just take a t-shirt and shorts with me and drive to where I'm going and get dressed there. I don't have any nudist friends, but I do have friends that don't care about my nudity. So if I am going there, I will often times not even get dressed when I arrive and just walk into their backyard while still naked. On occasion, I do go to the clothing optional beach here in Montreal in the summer. But I am leaving this place, hopefully by the end of summer, and the closest nude beach will be over an hour and a half away.I like that!..:)

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RE: Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

I'm nude at home most of the time and I go out on the RR Tracks that go up the river from where I live where there's no houses and take it all off except my shoes because of all the rocks and will be going to Avalon Resort again this year.Hope to get a fence put up in back of my home so I can enjoy myself and maybe have some friends join me.

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RE: Where do you enjoy your nude freedom?

I can be nude at home all the time, but I also can be nude on the beach and in the forests here. Sauna is also a nice place to be nude (standard in Holland) and on holiday I can be nude. So quite a lot of naked opportunities :-)
Stay naked,Roland

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