smooth pits

How many guys shave their pits too? I started doing it when I saw how many guys were smooth in Europe. Many guys had pubic hair but smooth pits. I go all the way and just curious to know how many others do it too. I've also noticed more black guys shave their pits. Don't know why but definitely see it more there than white guys for some reason.

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RE: smooth pits

Had laser hair removal done on my pits as well as my crotch.

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RE: smooth pits

The only place I have hair is on my head and YesI keep my entire bodytotally silky smooth. That's why I consider myself a true smooth nudist. Completely Nude and Totally Smooth. The only way to be for me.

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RE: smooth pits

I shave my pits and everything elseSame here. Shave from armpits to my toes.

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RE: smooth pits

i shave my pits and have been doing so for many years. keeps ms from getting a rash and sorts.

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RE: smooth pits

The only place I have hair is on my head and YesI keep my entire bodytotally silky smooth. That's why I consider myself a true smooth nudist. Completely Nude and Totally Smooth. The only way to be for too

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RE: smooth pits

I've been working on permanent hair removal from the neck down. I haven't bothered with my arms since they don't have much hair anyway.

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RE: smooth pits

been doing my pits for a allmost a year now its great for the summer

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RE: smooth pits

I shave my pits, and everything else from neck down

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RE: smooth pits

I started shaving my pits when I worked construction. It helps to cut down on the sweat and the odor.

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RE: smooth pits

I am a TOTAL "Smoothie" from Head to toe. [the hair on the noggin is there during the winter to keep it warm, but in the spring it too goes]. I am in a "shaving session" twice weekly, Sundays and Wednesdays.
Actually, my neighbos shaves me and then i shave her back so we're both smoothies. She is not a "noggin baldie" as she has natural red hair down to her buttcheeks, but other than that she is a total smoothie too.

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