Admin is working on the issue

The site owners were made aware of the problem with the "hacker" and the problem is being worked on now. More information will be coming as soon as I know more. Thank you

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RE: Admin is working on the issue

I await with anticipation and concern, the report of what happened to allow a moderator's account to be compromised in this way. The person who entered under the moderator's account certainly had full power of that account at the very least, as he changed the profile photo on the account and exercised moderator powers in the chatroom by using the boot function. I understand that moderators also have access to IP address information of members and while this discloses little more information than is on my profile in my case, this may be a concern to some users.Since as far as I know only one account was compromised this may have been the result of a brute force attack on an evidently weak password used on that account, or it may be the result of the unauthorised user having gained wider powers. It is natural that the site administrators will be looking into this to determine how a repeat event can be avoided. It is my sincere hope that the site administrators break with their usual practice and actually communicate these details to the membership, as it is a matter of deep concern. It may be overcaution on my part but in the meantime I have deleted all my photographs and I am not going into the chatroom until I see a report on this incident. (the silver lining is that the burden of transferring data to the new servers is reduced by four photographs LOL). In the meantime, this is a severely less attractive site to me.Hello free jackieinoz here (using my husbands account) I seriously have no idea how this happened or how he/she could have discovered my password. I am extremely concerned that this person had access to all my pics (I had them marked to friends only) and where they may now end up, and to all my private messages. I wonder if anyone took a screen shot of the pic he was using? I have earnt a valuable lesson....I shall change my password on a weekly basis!!!! It was odd because the last time I was in the chat room i kept getting a messagesaying someone else was usingmy account and I would be kicked out...stupid me thought it had something to do with the Server Upgrade.....How terribly wrong was I!

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RE: Admin is working on the issue

The substitute profile picture was just a Sacha Baron-Cohen caricature Arab character, with misspelled text "anonymous hacker" on it. I am sure there were screen captures made of it, but it is of no importance really.This is the character: said, I await a report to confirm that there were multiple attempts to log in to your account indicating that someone was trying to throw a dictionary at your password, or to confirm that there was a more widespread compromise of the site. I am sure that site admin is concerned to identify the issue themselves so that they can devise policies to avoid a repeat.Thanks free, as always informative. As I have said before this has really shaken me up.

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