Skype Jam
Looking for others who might like to jam on Skype. All levels, doesn't matter as long as you are willing to just hangout and play guitar or whatever instrument you play. With the right attitude, musicians of all levels can play together.Send me a message or add me there. Same name.
Looking for others who might like to jam on Skype. All levels, doesn't matter as long as you are willing to just hangout and play guitar or whatever instrument you play. With the right attitude, musicians of all levels can play together.Send me a message or add me there. Same name.
Has anyone actually tried this? Isn't it hard to synchronize playing music together, because the signals (both cam and mic/sound) take some time (more or less about a second or two) for transferring between the musicians who are connected via skype? Don't know if it actually works but would be fun.