If the recent hacking of Jackie's account isn't definitive proof of security issues, then nothing could illustrate it better. Jackie's account was set to private yet all her pictures and private messages were highjacked and are now sailing digitally around the world. I and others, have been chided, ridiculed and repeatedly accused of being a "fake" because we refuse to certify and send nude pictures of ourselves to do so. There is NO fail proof method of securing pictures, emails, files or anything else online. Once posted, they become fair game for anyone possessing the digital prowess to bypass even state of the art security systems, and there are plenty of people out there capable of doing so. I feel terrible for Jackie, she seems like a nice woman who would make the very best friend one could hope to have, both virtually and in person. But this is a prime example of everything on the internet being nothing more than a digital bulletin board, accessible by anyone determined to do so.