Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Hi all,
I'm entering a relationship with a person who prefers being undressed, not just alone but also in company of friends. I'm finding this quite terrifying as it is something very alien to be, but my attitude is positive towards it and I really wish to support him.
I'm afraid I'm finding it quite a challenge to explain this in few words, but essentially I guess what I'm asking is this;
- Have any of you been introduced to this lifestyle through a new and experienced partner?
- If yes, did you feel any level of anxiety associated with this, and how did you cope with it? Particularly when it comes to meeting a partners friends, dressed or not?
- Did it work out alright in the end? Assuming the answer is yes; what's the secret?
Many kind thanks in advance for any thoughts on the matter.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Insecurity is natural. Your "social self" has always been clothed, and it's hard to anticipate how people will react to you without those clothes, hard to know even how to act. It turns out, among people who are used to the unclothed body, that there's no dramatic difference. But you need to build your own comfort level, which for some is almost instant - shed clothing, get over the shudder of embarrassment, the sky does not fall, done - and for others takes a good long while, building trust, learning a new set of social gestures. Take the time you need, and ask your partner's indulgence in that.
It might be good to have something unstructured, like a waist wrap or a robe, as a kind of security blanket that you can put on. You don't have to be naked just because other people are, but being naked (or half-naked) even just briefly will help break the ice, both for you and for your friends.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Caramelpudding, if you stick around and frequent this site you may become the "Poster Child of the open mined partner". Kudos to you.
Please read many of the posts here. Keep track of the usernames. There are many sincere people, many grumps and many mudslingers. Those coming here for illicit reasons are quickly identified and flagged for extermination.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Caramel, be yourself. Look at nudists with an open mind, we are of all colours, creeds, shapes and sizes - we are just normal people who like to be free of clothing.
Try a sarong if totally nude is a little daunting.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Good for you caramel.. you fell in love with someone who loves life, freedom of expression, and liberty.. youre doing good so far lol.. youll find all true nudists to be the nicest people on earth.. nudists are polite, respectful, and grateful, that another has joined the ranks.. have fun with it and hope you get a nice tan while youre at it.:)

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Falling madly in love is the hard part. Everything else is easy. You will find a way if you are both in love.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

I was a nudist a long time before I married my husband. We met because we were both nudists happily.
Anxiety is normal when you encounter something that is foreign to you no matter what it is. Genuine nudists generally believe it's about de-stressing, relaxing, and returning to innocence, like going barefoot all over. It's about accepting yourself and others for who you are, how you act, and what you say rather than what you look like, own, or wear. In other words, your actions are your passport.
It was maybe 10 minutes when I finally felt comfortable those 40+ years ago. I became a nudist at age 19. I have found genuine nudists to be supportive of people they meet and discovered most of them to be genuine friends.
We are all taught body shame as young people; happily I for one overcame the constrictions and enjoy life without wearing a soggy swimsuit. I wear fleece-lined slippers and a robe if I'm chilly inside on a cold day.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Just give it a chance as slowy as you want, talk with others like you are here and we'll help you as much as we can. You might try visiting a resort or a small gathering of nudists. We like to break people in with small (2-4 ) couple hot tub parties.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Congrats on being willing to try something that seems out side your comfort zone. The only way to streach that zone is to step out side once in a while. I found that small groups caused more stress at first. To me it was better to go to a very popular beach so I just blended in with 4000-5000 others. To each thier own. Get comfortable with yourself and the rest is just plain FUN.
Welcome to the site Its a great place to find like minded folks.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Caramelpudding last signed on about 2 weeks ago, about the time of the original post.

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RE: Reluctantly falling madly in love with--

Sorry to mess up the fun ... or rather ... communication but I made contact with Caramelpudding via message and put her in contact with a couple other female nudist friends that I thought could answer her questions from a female standpoint or point of view. Many times when I respond to a post from a female member ... I have to try and answer from my "wife's" point of view and her fears and concerns while she navigated through this lifestyle and going from home/backyard nudist to public areas (beach) to clubs and resorts and then finally to a close group of friends in intimate settings. It was a long process and I think females can give other females more of what they are searching for as far as answers to their questions. In CP's profile, she wrote that she was not here to make friends or do much posting but would respond to messages IF they had something to do with what she was willing to post and not for chit chat or building a friends list. I put her in contact with Cheri, who has helped a great deal of newbie females in CP's situation. CP may not return and the only downside is that it would be nice to know if she and her boyfriend made any progress in their situation. Hope she gets back to you Cheri! :-)

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