RE: Democracy!

Yes I think its a great idea Pamela! It keeps things fun and exciting. Change the pic when ever you feel like it and of course you can use my pics as well. Maybe it should be a condition of joining the group that you pics can be used? Just a thought.Interesting that there are only 2 female responses in this discussion so far...Have a great weekend everyone!I like this idea. Maybe the pics could be posted in the order they came in for a day or two. They will still be in the gallery so we can look at them any time but our group pic will continuely.

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RE: Democracy! Don't expect Consensus!

Thanks for all the responses and especially the support for Cathy. No real consensus has emerged from the posts, but I did call the topic Democracy, so it would have been ridiculous to expect consensus!.
My thoughts for now:
Amanda has replaced Cathy for the next slot - thanks to Amanda. I believe Soupie is also keen, so a bit later he can be the first male "masthead" (where did I get that word from?).
No, No,No!!! I am not going to arrange a vote. Jordan can arrange his own vote if he wants!
It seems all the volunteers are male. Why is that - is it another manifestation of democracy?
On a practical note, the TN system is so badly set up that you cannot just post a photo up as the masthead and expect it to work - you only get a fraction of the image to show. I did create a work-around which you can see in several images in the Pictures section of the group - you have to embed the required image top centre in a blank background.

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RE: Democracy!

I thought it would a nice idea to change the group image from time to time. CTCathy has volunteered to take the first guest slot, and her photo now appears on the group front page.Thanks to Cathy.Anyone want to volunteer for the next slot? Let me know!PamelaYou can use mine anytime

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RE: Democracy!

Good choice of photo again

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The Handstand Photo!

Many thanks to our new members funlovingcouple who have agreed to having their spectacular photo as the next icon image for the group.
I for one am looking forward to reading their contributions and seeing more of their photos.

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RE: The Handstand Photo!

I envy anyone who can do a good handstand. Lovely picture choice.

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